
(Tuis.) #1
40 asiaSpa India January-February 2015 asiaSpa India January-February 2015 41

Rich in proteins and vitamins, this natural, non-
irritating extract is a mild skin brightener that
blocks the transfer of pigment from pigment-
making cells to surrounding skin cells.

Abundant in herring, mackerel, wild
salmon, walnuts, fl axseed, and olive oil,
these essential fatty acids maintain the
function of cell membranes throughout
the body, preserving cells’ ability to
take in nutrients, dispose of waste, and
hold onto water.

It is a must in winters too. Apply a broad-
spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30
everyday to your face and other exposed body
parts and don’t forget to reapply often.

Also called phytochemicals. Consuming
or topically applying these benefi cial
compounds helps protect your skin from
damaging infl ammation and free-radical
activity that comes from UV exposure and
other environmental insults.

This is a component of vitamin B3 and
has been shown to increase ceramide and
free fatty acid levels in skin, prevent skin
from losing water content and stimulate
microcirculation in the dermis. It also has a
growing reputation for being able to lighten
skin discolorations and reduce acne.

Turmeric has long been used in cooking as well
as herbal medicine, known for its potent anti-
infl ammatory effects. It helps protect your skin and
body against free-radical damage. Try adding fresh
or dried turmeric to curries, stir-fries or drinks.

CoQ10 may boost skin repair and
regeneration and reduce free radical
damage. Try a formula with wrinkle-
blasting Q10.

It is an inert earth mineral used as a thickening,
whitening, lubricating, and sunscreen
ingredient in cosmetics. Along with titanium
dioxide, zinc oxide is considered to have no risk
of skin irritation. It can also be an anti-irritant
and potentially an antioxidant.

It is an active form of the vitamin A. Retinol
is a powerful exfoliant that encourages the
skin to shed dead and problematic layers
and turn over younger, healthier cells. It
also helps in increasing the production of
hyaluronic acid and collagen, making skin
more supple and smooth.

Omega-3 fatty acids

UV protection





zinc oxide



Both dietary and topical vitamin E helps your skin to
keep its natural moisture, making it key for fi ghting
dryness. Vitamin E also helps neutralise free radical
damage from UV exposure, especially when combined
with dietary vitamin C, helping to reduce irritation.

vitamin E

Dry skin (xerosis) is a condition of rough, dry
skin with fi ne scaling of skin and, occasionally,
with small cracks in the skin, generally caused
by a number of environmental factors like low
humidity, frequent bathing and harsh soaps.


humidity, frequent bathing and harsh soap

Don’t rely on creams and lotions alone for
incredible skin – to really get your glow on,
nothing beats regular practice of yoga.


It gives your body the power to expel
toxins and it keeps your skin stay
soft, supple and smooth. Drinking
adequate amount of water is
important in winters as well.




Dr. Varun Katyal
Dermatologist &
Cosmetologist, The
Skin Centre, Delhi

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