
(Tuis.) #1
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helping keep certain varieties of cancers at bay. “Vitamin D is
not only required for bone growth, but as new research has
shown, it is also essential for development and healing of tissues,
especially during early years of growth,” says Dr Sanjay Agarwala,
Joint Replacement and Orthopaedic Reconstructive Surgeon at PD
Hinduja National Hospital, Mumbai.
“Defi ciency of vitamin D - be it owing to a lack of adequate
skin exposure to sunlight or insuffi cient intake via foods or
supplements – can result in acute weakness of the bones in
adults, also known as osteoporosis. In children, vitamin D defi cit
has been found to be the most common cause for rickets, a
disease wherein the bones bend and get deformed,” he adds.

Getting it right
So, now the question that arises is how much sun exposure
should you ideally aim for, while successfully avoiding the evils
of excess? “One should try and sun bathe for about two-four
hours thrice a week in order to reap the maximum benefi ts of
the curative rays of the sun,” advises Dr Gorav Gupta. Indulging
in outdoor activities like jogging, open-air luncheons and picnics,
swimming in the open, and afternoon leisure walks will not only
offer you a chance to revel in the dazzling winter sun, but will
also heighten your fi tness quotient.

Doing it with décor
If unable to step out regularly, there are also ways in which
you can invite the sun right into your home and hearth. By
incorporating décor and design features like skylights and sun
roofs within your house, you can receive this remedial bounty of
nature on a daily basis. You may also layer up your windows with
gossamer cotton curtains in neutral shades in order to ensure the
dappled entry of sunbeams during the day.
Within your walls, play with vibrant shades of colours or
pristine whites as they tend to be refl ective of light, and therefore
help fi ll any space with an abundance of natural luminosity and
an airy, breathable quality. One can also make use of mirrors
which, when placed strategically, help refl ect incoming sunlight
to instantly brighten up a room. If not upto the effort, the very
simple act of leaving the window shades up or the doors open
during daytime is sure to amply take care of your sunlight needs.
So, there you have it – an exhaustive list of reasons and ways
which urge you to wake up every morning and open your arms
wide to the magnifi cent life giving star that’s the sun.


t was celebrated poet Walt Whitman who had said, “Keep
your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will
fall behind you,” and he could not have gotten it more
right - literally and metaphorically.
Be it physical strengthening, psychological
upliftment, mood enhancing or overall wellbeing – the
magical sun has the capability to help you with all.
Some lovely chills aside, the winter season also comes
accompanied by its fair share of maladies, which makes it the
perfect spell of the year to soak up some much-needed sunshine.

Beat the blues
Heliotherapy or atapa snana, refers to the therapeutic science of
sun bathing, which has been recommended and practiced since
time immemorial. Sun exposure has been known to naturally
increase serotonin levels in one’s body, which in turn ensures a
livelier and more active you.
“Ample sun exposure reduces the risk of Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues.
One of the main aspects that affect SAD is a fall in the serotonin
levels. Another factor affecting SAD is the level of melatonin
in the body that gets disrupted due to change in season,” says
Dr Gorav Gupta, Psychiatrist & Director at Tulasi Healthcare,
New Delhi. Talking about other conditions related to lack of
sun absorption, he adds, “SAD not only accounts for disrupted
sleep but also triggers random mood swings. Some other
common symptoms of this condition are depression, irritability,
unexplained stomach and joint pains, changes in appetite and
feeling tired most of the time.”
So, if you are feeling blue, sunlight is the perfect cure for you.
Not just that, if that’s not enough, soaking up some glorious sun
might also help you snooze better! Sunlight not only brightens
up your mood but also supports maintenance of your body’s
circadian rhythms which directly affect one’s sleep patterns.
Talking of sleep patterns - if you are bugged by the musty
smells pervading your winter comforters and quilts fret not,
for the friendly sun has another ace up its sleeve. The UV
rays emanating from the sun are effective in killing off odour-
producing bacteria, and this is the reason which propels
homemakers to let stuff which is just out of storage sit under
direct sunlight.

Medically speaking
Apart from enhancing one’s mental health, one of the more
principal physical benefi ts of sunlight is the strengthening of
our bones through the production of vitamin D. Optimum levels
of vitamin D bolsters the immune system, while also actually

There is one thing that the universe bestows us abundantly,
with sunshine, so make the most of it for the betterment of your
heart, home and health

By Megha Sharma


side up!

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