
(Tuis.) #1
asiaSpa India January-February 2015 63



The Kundalini experience does not mean you have gone into a deep breathless
trance and are beyond this world. It integrates you more fully with reality and
gives you a broader vision and sensitivity so that you can act more effi ciently.”
~Yogi Bhajan


started practising yoga about 12 years ago. Yoga felt like a past
life imprint to me. I continued practising and experiencing
different forms of yoga and yet kept looking for something
more. It was in the year 2007, that I went to Rishikesh for the
international yoga festival. I was suffering from various spine
and body problems at that time, and my nervous system had
lost balance because of acute defi ciency of B12 and L3 and L4, along
with other stress inducing issues. In fact, I also heard someone say to
not do Kundalini, as one might land up in a mental asylum. Interestingly,
that encouraged me. My initiation class touched me immensely, and, I
sat there with tears rolling and did not understand why I felt like that.
I decided to go for a course in teacher’s training to learn it further.
This class opened up vast spaces in me, the center of my heart, and
eventually all the pains and issues in my body began to disappear. My
body started gaining strength both externally and internally. Since every
class was completed with meditation, hence, I felt there is a completion
of self in this form. I have also done my training in Hatha yoga as well, I
like to help people with different postures.
An integral part of yoga, Kundalini is gaining popularity around
the world. The primary objective of Kundalini is to awaken the full
potential of human awareness in each individual; that is, recognise our
awareness, refi ne it, and expand that awareness to our unlimited Self. It

62 asiaSpa India January-February 2015

sleepy chakras

awaken your

Also called the yoga of awareness, Kundalini yoga is a dynamic,
eff ective tool that is designed to awaken your body, mind and
soul, asserts Gunjan Kocchar

I have been practising
Kundalini yoga for a
long time. I feel more
energy in the palms
and I’m able to utilise
this energy for the
healing practise. Also
this form of yoga,
which incorporates
a lot of kriyas and
breathing techniques,
promotes good
health and organ
Abhed Goel, Builder
and Professional
I was diagnosed with
early degeneration
in my body and tried
many things and
other forms of yoga
but after joining
Kundalini yoga, my
awareness towards
my body heightened
to another level.
Today my body
responds in a very
positive way, and
I am able to fi ght
anything which
comes between
health and me.
The kriyas have
made me a much
stronger physical and
emotional person. All
thanks to Kundalini
Manpreet Sardana,
channel producer,
NDTV India


Taken from Surekha Sadana’s Awakening series.

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