
(Tuis.) #1



also assists to clear inner duality, creates the power
to deeply listen, cultivates inner stillness, and helps
prosper and deliver excellence in all that we do.
The focus of Kundalini is on one’s personal
experience and awareness through the practice of
kriya and naad. We awaken the Kundalini in order to
be able to call upon the full potential of the nervous
and glandular systems and to balance the subtle
system of chakras and meridians within the body.
Kriya is an orchestrated pattern of movements,
sound, pranayam, mudras, concentration and
meditation that automatically guide the energies of
the body and the mind to a specifi c result or change
of consciousness.

64 asiaSpa India January-February 2015

“The focus of Kundalini is
on one’s personal experience
and awareness through

the practice of kriya and naad”

of the lymphatic system, boosting immunity. The
respiratory system responds positively to breathing
exercises which in turn balances the nervous system.
Kundalini yoga is a yoga for householders, for people
who have to cope with the daily challenges and
stresses of life.
After practising Kundalini yoga for few months,
many have been weaned off blood pressure
medication, had to take a lower dosage of thyroid
medication. They also felt very energetic, not just
the same day but for the next two days. Kundalini
yoga also helps in reversing degeneration, makes one
more intuitive and aware, along with an ocean of
other benefi ts.
Gunjan Kochhar is a Kundalini yoga therapist, Access
Bars facilitator and life coach. She can be reached at
[email protected]

It is the unique and tested syntax, within the
structure of each kriya, which provides steady,
predictable progress and which leverages these
basic functions of the body and the mind to create
rapid, sustainable, personal growth and healing. In
this tradition, meditation is not considered separate
from asana or yoga; it is integral to the practice. The
exercises in the kriya bring the body and mind to a
state where deep meditation is easily achieved.

The use of mantra throughout the practice is
very effective in attaining two particular goals —
expansion of the Self and elevation of the spirit.
Mantra also supports those new to meditation,
who fi nd silence and stillness very challenging. In
addition, there are many meditations that are silent,
practiced in a profoundly transformative stillness
called shuniya.
There are many physical benefi ts of Kundalini – it
strengthens the spine and improves overall posture
and fl exibility, and boosts the rate of metabolism
by increasing gastric juices and digestive enzymes.
There is better circulation of oxygenated blood,
strengthening of the heart muscles, and stimulation

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