
(Tuis.) #1
70 asiaSpa India January-February 2015 asiaSpa India January-February 2015 71


ise, toil, sleep; and then rise
again to continue the chain of a
monotonous routine: a short but
accurate glimpse of the modern
life that has most of you gasping
for a fresh burst of revival. The key ingredient
missing in the course of our daily lives is
adequate nutrition, which is an absolute
mandate to deal with everyday exertion. A
wondrous source of nourishment is the sweet
and tangy grapefruit that speaks of numerous
benefi ts, and is a top draw in winter.
This juicy marvel is high on vitamin
C, that helps strengthen the immune
system and fi ght off diseases. Grapefruit
helps against the cold and the fl u, and also
prevents free radical damage, associated
with conditions of asthma, osteoarthritis,
and rheumatoid arthritis. The alkaline nature
of the fruit is also very effective in treating
acidity and improving digestion. Grapefruits
are a storehouse of minerals such as calcium,
folate, phosphorus, and potassium, along
with a host of disease fi ghting constituents
that make this a powerful natural remedy.

A grapefruit a day, keeps cholesterol at
bay. The fruit restrains excessive production
of cholesterol and protects your heart. High in
antioxidants, limonoids aid in prevention of
tumours, while lycopene reduces the risk of
prostate cancer. Pectin contained in grapefruits,
helps to strengthen and retain the elasticity of
arteries. Regular consumption of its juice has
shown to avert kidney stones, as well as lung
and colon cancer. It boosts your metabolism
and helps to drop a few ounces, even without
resorting to any other dieting regulations.
A glass of grapefruit juice just before bed,
has also been known to cure insomnia and
promote sound sleep.
Abundant in minerals and nutrients,
grapefruits are nature’s way of making it
effectively simple for you to imbibe wellness
and health. It’s as easy as making this
succulent fruit a part of your regular food cycle
to see yourself emerging with newer vigour
and strength.

Inscribe new guidelines of health this holiday season, with
the arrival of the fruit from paradise

why grapefruit?

  • It rids the body of excess
    estrogen and helps in
    combating breast cancer

  • Keeps your skin firm and
    younger looking.

  • Its fat burning enzyme
    assists weight loss.


nip in the air and a celebratory
streak abounds us, as we
heartily welcome the cold
season with its merry
companions of cakes and
candles. The withered weather leaves us cold
and frosty but more than compensates for all
such woes with an array of delightful winter
treats. Flavourful, sweet and highly nutritious,
the versatile chestnut, believed to have
been fi rst planted by Alexander the Great
and the Romans all over Europe, is
one such healthy nut that packs in a
powerful punch.
Lower in fat, compared to its
other counterparts of walnuts and
pecans, chestnuts are rich in fi bre,
thus aiding to reduce cholesterol
and stabilise blood sugar levels. They
are free from gluten and extremely useful
in boosting your digestive system. Rich in
Vitamin C, chestnuts contain numerous
minerals, putting them on a high pedestal in
the nut family. The presence of trace mineral
manganese allows chestnuts to help in faster
healing and protection against harmful free
radicals, reducing the risk of heart diseases
and even some type of cancers.
The prolifi c chestnut is rich in folate,
a common feature of leafy, green vegetables
quite rare for seeds and nuts. It helps in
the formation of red blood cells and
DNA synthesis. Expectant mothers must
note that adequate consumption of food
rich in folate, helps prevent neural tube
defects in the foetus. Another unique quality
of this incredible nut is that it is high on
carbohydrates, unlike all other nuts, and
a great pick for a bout of evened out energy.
Make chestnuts a part of your daily diet to
give way to fruitful cerebral functioning,
as its fat-soluble vitamin B complex enhance
the working of the brain, produce red blood
cells, break down proteins and give you
healthy skin.
Chestnuts are mostly associated with the
festivities of Christmas carnivals, as they are

freely available during winter, even though
one can avail canned or peeled chestnuts
throughout the year. Enriched with a world of
goodness, these resourceful nuts can be used
to spruce up your sweets as well as savouries.
They can be eaten boiled or roasted, or even
ground into fl our and used for baking. Pick
what serves you best, but pick them you must
to unravel health and hence, happiness.

Why chestnuts

  • A good source of

  • Help in building stronger
    teeth and bones

  • High levels of essential
    fatty acids



Update your diet with a handful of
chestnuts and feel the warmth of a
remarkable metamorphosis from within

citrus paradisi nutritive chestnuts

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