
(Tuis.) #1


solace in



For romantics, for families or for fun-seeking singletons, Dubai embraces
all with a repertoire brimming with splendour and variety. It’s just the type
of holiday that you need, when looking to coddle your weary soul

By Priyanka Banerjee

You can move down to a restaurant that seems
submerged in a large aquarium, where you have
fi shes and sharks for company, or scale precipitous
heights to enjoy the sights and sounds of this
destination atop the tallest building, not in Dubai but
in the world. Hotels built there, either look like boats,
sails, towers or like majestic royal fortresses. The
view at the horizon is exhilarating, and could make
the Manhattan skyline blush with envy. At places
though, you could feel a bit claustrophobic with
mammoth sized cranes and road rollers, possibly
building another record breaker in concrete.

Tourist Tales
Staying in Dubai should be the last of your concerns.
Even a relatively modest property proffers a
luxuriant ambience and top-notch services. Be it
night or day, think of doing something else apart
from staring at the splendours of Dubai from your
hotel window, Dubai won’t fall short to surprise
you. The customary gamut of mosques, museums,
historical monuments, theme parks, etc are just
few of the many things, you can choose to explore.
However, the two ‘monuments of love for all things
gargantuan’, the Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa are
not to be missed.
Dubai is truly a shopper’s paradise – colossal
malls with the best brands, and streets with
traditional treasures double your chances for excess
baggage. Alternatively, you can soak up the souks,
the gold, the Spice, the Perfume and Textile, amongst
many others.

Spa Sojourn
Dubai is a wellness hub with almost every hotel or
resort housing a spa. There is an excellent mix of
world-class hotel and standalone spas, and fi tness

centres giving a surfeit of therapies to choose from.
An array of Ayurveda and traditional Middle-Eastern
treatments and ingredients up the scope of trying
something new in this Emirate. The perfect time
to go for a spa treatment is around evening, after
a tiring day of sightseeing and shopping. You can
simply recharge yourself after a heavenly ritual
for the experiences ahead. Or better still, pamper
yourself with a jetlag massage after check-in, like an
auspicious start to the cosseting journey, that you
have envisaged.

“An array of Ayurveda and
traditional Middle-Eastern
treatments and ingredients up

the scope of trying something
new in this Emirate”


ot every holiday you want to
take has to be in the abode of
Gods. Mountains, open skies,
pristine water bodies, fresh air,
tranquillity – you might just
say, ‘give me a break, all I want
to do is seek relaxation, reboot and indulge, dine,
drink and dance the night away’. If this sounds you,
wanting to trade your wander-lust for wonder-lust,
go ahead and book your tickets to Dubai. Fly business
class if you can, and pack almost every fancy attire
you have in your wardrobe, because in Dubai travel
gear is kind of passé.
At fi rst, you are curious. Why this half natural
and half man-made mass of land spiking onto to
the Persian Gulf has millions of tourists visiting
it every year? Well for that, you can trust Dubai’s
Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing
(DTCM), for making sure, that every travel company
or agent gives an unremitting list of Dubai’s
enchantments for you to get instantly intrigued. In
fact, forget agents or anybody else, a click on their
website, will get you hooked and booked, as the visa
process is a cakewalk.
An air of ease and opulence pervades a celebrity-
infested Dubai, and interestingly, even if you don’t
have deep pockets, you won’t be disappointed.
All the swanky hotels, pleasure-laden food tables,
and over-the-top extravagances, encapsulate the
spirit of this scintillating jewel on the crown of
Emirates. A confl uence of cultures, a juxtaposition of
traditions and trends, and an epitome of grandiose
architecture, Dubai can be dubbed as the ‘land
of excesses’. Head-to-torso sized gold necklaces,
copious buffet spreads, and countless fl oors in the
skyscrapers, you have just scratched the surface.

asiaSpa India January-February 2015 89

Dubai-F.indd 88-89 02/01/15 3:18 PM

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