(Barry) #1

I was

a homeless teenager when my
nightmare unfolded. The whispers
of love and protection, followed by the seemingly
innocent request to be involved in an exclusive
“art project”, eventually led to my being forced by
my 40-year-old trafficker – on a daily basis – to do
unthinkable things while he recorded it all on camera.
I would often wake up suddenly and not know what
had happened to me. Each time I was sexually abused, I
died a little inside. But having then no understanding of
how I was being exploited, I was deceived into believing
that I was special. He kept all my money and isolated
me from the rest of the world in a tiny flat, leaving me
no one else to turn to.
Fortunately, I was not left numb to my situation,
and one day, I managed to escape. I was able to put the
past behind me – or so I thought. After that chapter of
my life ended, I felt inexplicably sullied and broken. In
2009, he died of colon cancer, and the first thing that
sprung to mind was that I urgently needed to get the
pictures back. I met with one of his family members,
who gave me a huge box. I had no clue what I had
left at his house that was so substantial in volume.
I opened the box and discovered that he had been
mass-producing and selling the photos. In my mind,
he would have kept perhaps 20 photos for his personal
pleasure – not thousands.

right Kathmandu,
Nepal: Maiti Nepal is an
organisation fighting the
sex trade in Nepal and
the trafficking of girls and
women into India. In Maiti
Nepal’s legal department’s
office there is a wall covered
with convicted criminals.
Their lawyers have sent over
600 traffickers to prison

Trafficking for the purpose
of sexual exploitation
accounts for

58 %
of all trafficking cases
detected globally, while
trafficking for forced labour
accounts for

36 %


10 million
children are subjected to
various forms of sexual
exploitation in the
commercial sex industry

As of 2014, the estimated
annual profit from trafficking
for sexual exploitation
alone is

US$99 billion

(UNODC, 2012)

(International Labour Organization)

(World Vision, 2009)

More than

2 million
children enter into
the commercial sex
industry annually

(Child Wise, 2006)


(UNICEF, 2007)

The International Labour
Organization estimates that
around the world,

1.2 million
children are trafficked annually.

43 %
are trafficked for commercial
sexual exploitation

Even at this point, I was not certain what sex
trafficking was, so I did not understand fully what the
pictures meant. Then I came across an article about
a girl who had been trafficked into pornography, and
it hit me that our stories were essentially the same. It
didn’t just happen to desperate prostitutes coerced into
entering the industry. I too was merely a monetary tool
for an adult predator whom I loved.
Nothing quite prepares a juvenile for a realisation
of this magnitude. I began self-harming, lurking in the
dismal streets in the dead of the night. I wondered to
myself: Was this how the brainwashed sex workers felt,
padding back and forth the dingy alleys of the brothels
and strip clubs, living life in a dreadful, futile routine?

Each time I was sexually abused,
I died a little inside.

*This figure includes perpetrators of child sex tourism (Ch

More than

sex tourists visit Asia
each year, with

13 %
coming from Asia

d Wise, 2006)
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