(Barry) #1

The sense of hopelessness overcame me, and in
my desperation, I turned to Mercy Ministries, a free-
of-charge Christian residential programme for girls
who need help with their life-controlling issues. At
Mercy, I learned life skills, how to set boundaries, and
processed my emotional wounds with the most loving
staff; a considerable part of the healing was through my
faith. The most memorable moment was when I finally
came to realise that the abuse was not my fault, and
programme in 2012.
concentrate on the link between sex trafficking and
pornography, as it relates strongly to at-risk youth all
over the world. While forced prostitution is widely
recognised and feared, many are hardly cognisant of the
fact that they are a victim of sex trafficking, routinely
and fearfully performing under a watchful eye with
a camera in hand. Little do they know that their acts

will then be sold for a paltry sum, a form of perverse
enjoyment for the viewer behind the screen.
I started my own clothing collection and with the
help of Elegantees – an organisation aiming to build
a bright future for victims of sex trafficking through
sewing work and a positive source of income – debuted
at New York Fashion Week on February 13, 2015. My
clothes are made by women in a safe house in Nepal
who are paid a fair wage. A large portion of profits are
given to aftercare services that work with survivors of
child sex trafficking.
Why Nepal? As I am of Indian descent, and was
born in Kolkata, this mission is close to my heart. Child
sex trafficking is arguably one of Nepal’s most pressing
social issues. The fairer-skinned Nepalese girls are
prized in Indian brothels, and a lack of education means
they are innocent to “stranger danger”. Between 5,000
and 15,000 Nepali girls are trafficked over the Indian
border every year, mostly from northern central Nepal.

top A young girl entertains
drunken men, one of them
a police officer after duty
hours, at the Kandupatti
Brothel, in Dhaka,
Bangladesh. She ensures
that the customers get
everything they want...

The most memorable moment was
when I finally came to realise that
the abuse was not my fault, and that,
as a child, I knew no better.


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