(Barry) #1

in the flesh

ANNA MALIKA is a fashion designer who launched her line
at New York Fashion Week in 2015. A conqueror over her tragic
experience in sex trafficking, Anna was born in Kolkata, India,
and was later adopted by an American family. Her brand employs
young survivors of sex trafficking in Nepal and profits contribute
towards combating the crime. Anna is currently pursuing
a bachelor’s degree in sociology, with a specialisation in
criminology and pre-law.

that women do not need to expose themselves to be
considered feminine.
Coming from someone who has gone right to the
edge of the abyss, and back, I can affirm that my greatest
takeaway from launching my fashion line is never to
be afraid to dream big – and freedom is a basic human
right too many are deprived of.
In the process of my growth, I see it as my calling to
help those whose doors have been closed and empower
them to live the lives I dream for them. We are not
prostitutes, porn stars, strippers, or “meat for sale” – a
term commonly used in the backwater areas of India
to refer to girls about to be bought for their ability to
provide sexual gratification.
Each of us is someone’s child and a person full of
potential. We are more than just our stories. More than
survivors. We have conquered. ag

Child sex tourism remains a serious problem
in the Philippines, with sex tourists coming
from northeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand,
Europe, and North America to engage in the
commercial sexual exploitation of children.
Increasingly, Filipino children are coerced to
perform sex acts for Internet broadcast to
paying foreign viewers.

northeast Asia
New Zealand

North America



Source: US Department of State, 2012

left Anna Malika at her
fashion show in the US: A
rare, empowering success
story of a former victim


An estimated

2.5 million
people are in
forced labour
(including sexual
exploitation) at
any given time
as a result of

In the Mekong
sub-region of
Southeast Asia,

30 %
of sex workers
are between

12 and 17
years of age

43 %
of human
trafficking victims
are trafficked
for commercial
sexual exploitation,
of whom

98 %
are women or girls

Most traffickers
are females
in their

who are working
as brokers

An estimated

1.2 million
children are
every year

The age of
victims of sexual
trafficking has
reduced since
2008, with the
majority of
victims in 2010
being between

13 and 17
years old

(UN.GIFT, 2007)

(UNICEF, 2009) (NGOCRC, 2010) (NGOCRC, 2010)


(UN.GIFT, 2007) (UN.GIFT, 2007)

50 % of reported
child rape victims
were threatened
that they would
be killed if they
told anyone

35 % of Cambodia’s
15,000 prostitutes
are children
under the age
of 16

38 % of women
and girls working
in sexually
conditions had
entered the
industry because
their virginity had
been bought

25 % of these female
victims reported
being trafficked
by a stranger.
About 67% of the
victims were
trafficked by
someone they
knew – a family
member or someone
from their community

50 %


35 %

38 %

25 %
67 %
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