(Sean Pound) #1

Chek Jawa Wetlands, Pulau Ubin
Forests of mangroves, and people practising
traditional farming and fishing; a trip to Pulau Ubin
is a trip into the past. Pulau Ubin also boasts the
Chek Jawa Wetlands, which is home to an array of
flora and fauna whose lives are governed by the
coming and going of the tides.

MacRitchie Reservoir Park
A popular spot for Nature lovers, MacRitchie
Reser voir is renowned for its scenic treetop walk.
The reser voir is one of four large water catchment
areas in Singapore, and creates a haven for wildlife
that flourishes in its protected environs. All sor ts
of recreational activities are on of fer at MacRitchie
from hiking to kayaking and bird-watching.

It star ts with things as simple as:

  • Sor ting the trash to be recycled

  • Turning of f air conditioners and lights in
    empty rooms

  • Saving water by turning of f the faucet while
    brushing teeth

  • Limiting your use of plastics by saying no
    to plastic bags, and using bags for life and
    refillable water bottles

  • Air dr ying clothes rather than using a drier

  • Reusing (or “up cycling”) old items

Here are some fun ways you can step it up a notch
and get your kids motivated about being more
environmentally friendly:

  1. Make your own recycling bins: Have fun
    with your children by decorating four large
    cardboard boxes with dif ferent colours and
    labels, one for paper, one for plastics, one for
    glass, one for metals. Making them themselves
    will help foster ownership of the process and
    will make them more excited about using them.

  2. Grow a plant: Growing a plant from a seed
    will help teach your child about the wonder
    and value of the natural world, and the role
    they can play in nur turing it. It will also teach
    them responsibility.

  3. Watch a movie together: There are all kinds
    of fascinating films out there that promote
    environmental awareness and teach us
    about the potential damage we are doing.
    Pixar’s Wall-E is a great example that your
    child will love, especially if you watch it with
    them and explain the parallels with modern
    society. As they grow you can introduce them
    to documentaries like Home by Yann Ar thus-
    Ber trand and encourage them to keep learning
    and challenging themselves to find out more
    about our planet.

  4. Have meat-free
    Mondays: Help educate
    your kids about where
    their food comes from
    and its impact on the
    environment. Help them
    to understand that small
    changes can have a
    big impac t.

Punggol Park
This park was developed to provide a family
orientated, outdoor leisure space, and it is a
per fect place to unwind with your kids. The cycling
tracks make it easy and safe to cycle, and there
are play zones around the park for your kids to let
of f some steam.

Once your child has developed an understanding
of and a love for the Natural world, getting them
to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle will
be easy!
Remember, they will copy you, so you need to
be the one to model the behaviours that they
should adopt.

ves to find out more

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