Women's Fitness

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
76 womensfitness.co.uk | September 2016

‘You feellike

you’re ina




WFtalks pumping beats and future plans
with BOOM Cycle founderHilary Gilbert

come together for this
inspirational thing that we’ve
all built together.

What would yousay to someone
who hasn’tgot any spinning
experiencebut wantedto come
and try BOOMCycle?
Come ondown! Get here 20
minutes before the ride starts
then we can go over all the basics
we can get you clipped in and we
can talk you through everything.
As it’s dark you don’t have to
worry about not knowing what
you’re doing! And al so eachrider
controls their resistance on their
own and no one can see what level
you’re at. We don’t say ‘everyone
at level 5’ because that’s differen t
for like a 5ft woman and a 6ft male
rugby player so I feel you’ve got
to make it individual. It helps
everyone do their own thing.

And finally what are your plansfor
the future of BOOMCycle?
World domination! We’r e currently
working on expansion – we’re
hoping toopen one ortwo more
sites this year an d then go from
there. We want to keep going and
I think that there is enough room
for lots of these things.I really
think we have a good shot at
making Britain more fit because
BOOM Cycle is something fun and
it’s for everyone regardless of
ability. And once everyone gets
over this idea that it’s intimidating
they can see that. I’ve seenso
many people walk down those
stairs into the studio literally
shaking and then they come out
and they’re like ‘Oh my god it was
so differen t from what I thought
it would be!’ So it’s about
educatin g riders and I think it’s
something people can stick to
even if they’re not gym buffs.

Fast talk

Breakfast of champions?
I have agreen juice with
broccoli spinach kale
ginger cucumber and
apples and then trout or
salmon filletswith sautéed
spinach and two eggs – I
mean that is power!

How elsedoyoustayfit?
Reformer Pilates a bitof
weight training and running.

Favourite snack?
Chorizo. It’s so freaking good!


f you’ve ever beento a BOOM
Cycle classyou’ll knowthey’re
sweaty sassy and super-fun.
It’s a popular hang-out among
London fitness fanatics and with
two studios on the map the BOOM
Cycle empire is growing...

How didBOOMCycle comeabout?
It started because when I first
moved here backin 2004 there
wasn’t a lot of go od spin on offer
and it wasn’t offered conveniently.
So I was like ‘Well I want to create
a spin gym!’ But then I was still
modelling and I didn’t want to
settle down and stay in one place.
So it to ok a couple more years.
Then we started working on the
plan to make BOOM Cycle become

a thing in 2010 registered the
company that same year an d then
startedtrading in 2011. When I met
my now fiancé he was going to
work on his own business and I
was going to work on mine but we
decided we’d never see eachothe r
if we did that. So we ran the
numbers and at that time the
US-basedspin empire Soul Cycle
had just sold its portion of eq uity
for $50 million so it was easy to
raise money for the business on
the backof that because everyone
was getting exci ted about it. We
were the first to do it in the UK.

Can yousum upBOOMCycle
in three words?
Bike s beats boom.

What doyouthink sets
BOOMCycle apart from
other spinning classes?
We’ve thought about everysingle
aspect so specif ically and for a
verylong time. Our concept is
really base d on music – I’m super
super-duper into the music! We’ve
got nigh tclub-qualitysound
systemsso when you come in
you’ll feel the bassin your ches t. It
helps you get lost an d you really
feel like you’re in a nigh tclub but
you won’t get a hangover the next
day. And the fact that’s it’s dark

  • if you’re self-conscious about
    sweating or maybe you’re not the
    best athl ete ever then no one’s
    going to see you. You can only
    see the instructor so that really
    helps people le t go.

What’s your favourite aspect
of your job?
I think it’s just working with and
seeing such fabulous people all
the time ; people with whom I share
a lot of interests and qualities. A
lot of us are like-minded but we all

The Queen of Spin

‘It’s dark so no one can
see you – which is great
if you’re self-conscious’

To become a rider visit



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