Women's Fitness

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
just starting out? No worries. Pop
your details into Fitssi find people
in your area with similar workout
goals and bi ngo – prob lem solved
in less than 60 seconds.
But it’s not just a confidence
game. ‘Through my extensive
experience in the gym business
I have seen people excel time and
time again with th e support of a new
peer group’ explains Chris. A study
by Virgin Acti ve found that women
who workout with a friend burnup to
236 calories in an average workout
compared with195 calories fo r those
who workout al one. Meanwhile
Indiana Univer sityfound that
couples who worked out separately
had a 43per cent drop-outrate
compared with 6.3 per cent for those
who did it to gether.

Pickof thebunch
We can’t argue it’s an ingenious id ea
but not one that Fitssi can claim al l
to it self. Anothe r app WellSquad
works in similar ways but rather
aims to connect users with whole
groups al lowing them to partake in
teamsports. This too was the id ea
behind Atleto. ‘For 20 years
I was the sports event organiser in
my circle of friends’ explains Patrick
Lundgren Atleto CEO and co-
founder. ‘It ofte n took me days to
coordinate schedules through calls
and emails with fr iends. So I felt that
there must be an easier way for me
to connect to my groups but al so for
othersaroundthe world to do the
same – and so Atleto was born.’
Like a lot of things inour
generation it comes down to
convenience. But that isn’t the only
driving force. Fitivity one of the
largest sports an d fitness mobile
bran ds that supp lies over 400 apps
is now launching a Pick -Up Sports
app (albeit only in the US and
Canada currently) designed to
reignite pe ople’s love and use of
outdoor spaces like pl ayground s
and courts. ‘There ’s always a high
prob ability that there are six people
within a five-mile proximity itching
to play three-on -three basketball’
says Guy Pistone CEO of Fitivity.
But a declin e in those utilising local
spaces has caused manyto turnto
expensive gyms and sports league
memberships instead often being
hooked into paying mont hly fees
they can’t afford.
This is where the Massachusetts-
base d startup stepped in providing
its users with th e opportunity to
reserve a playgroundvenue which in
turnnotifies all app users in the
area. ‘Our job is to make sure they all

can connect through this app’ Guy
continues. ‘The number of people
playing teamsports in playground s
has rapidly declin ed and the tech
companies that have tried to so lve
this is sue never had enough app
users to make it work.I think we’re at
a point where we can startbuilding
up playgroundcommunity again.’

While these apps ig nite many purely
platonic friendships othersare
tapping into anothe r si de. We’ve al l
seenthe ad verts. There’s datin g
sites for those who workin unif orm
for Christians for beard-lovers for
gluten-free si ngles (yep). Niche
datin g si tes or apps are certainly not
a new concept but this is one sector
that’s growing at sp eed.
Sweatt for example matche s
people romantically base d on their
exercise habits incl uding type of
exercise workout frequency and
preferred time of day to hit the gym.
The app still matche s people base d

on the standard crit eria too – age
gender sexual orientatio n location

  • but within a community of people
    with a si milar passion for a healthy
    way of life. It’s heavily image-led
    and operates using a swiping
    Tinder-style format so it’s no
    surprise the two apps were quickly
    compared. But with fitness-focused
    lifestyles such anintegral partof our
    culture it’s a pret tyclev er depa rture
    on Sweatt’s part. ‘Fitne ss is so much
    more than the time we spend
    working out’ Sweattfounder Dan
    Ilani explains. ‘Our commitme nt to
    fitness dictatesso many of the
    choices we make on a daily basis.
    Chances of compatibilityare
    heightenedwhen you choose to date
    people with shared interests
    lifestyles and mindsets.’
    There are small refreshing
    differen ces too. Potential matche s
    or ‘Sweatts’ for example are capped
    at five per day the app choosing only
    the best for eachuser. ‘At the end of
    the day our users don’t want1000

78 womensfitness.co.uk | September 2016




78 womensfitness.co.uk| Septem



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