Women's Fitness

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


88 womensfitness.co.uk | September 2016


proactively rather than reactively 
structure your day by identifying your
MITs (Most Important Tasks). Before
you go to bed write down your top
three MITs for the day ahead – the
three things that you must accomplish
in order to feel that the day has been
a success. Draw aline and under that
write down all your othe r tasks that are
less important but should still be
completed. ‘Make a commitme nt th at for
each task you complete of f the bottom
half of your list you must complete an
item from the top partbefo re moving
on’ Katie ad vises.

Let it out to... find presence
You may not have thought much about it
befo re but presence could in fact be the
key to your happiness. ‘The constant
search for the next “thing” that will
make us happy – but al ways seemsto
be just out of reach – means we are
missing life in the here and now’ says
Veronica Winterbourne mindfulness
expert and progra mme director at The
Evolutionaries. A grea t way to bring you
backto balance is to get a handle on
your thoughts. It’s estimat ed we have
more than 60000 a day yet according to
research as many as 98 per cent of
these are the same few thoughts on
repeat. What’s more a staggering 80
per cent of those are thought to be
negative. Katie’s suggestion ‘The
Repeat Thought List’ aims to look
deeply into ou r own thought processes.
Set a time r to go off at rand om points
throughout the course ofyour day.
Every time itgoes of f record in your
journal what you were just thinking
about (and be honest!). At the end of the
day you’ll be able to see which thoughts
were re peated and looking back you
migh t have a betterunderstanding of
why. ‘Ref ocusing and bringing our
attention to this moment means we
don’t miss most of our lives’ says
Veronica. Robert agrees: ‘Journaling
forces people to addres s what is
happening right now how it feels what
matters what went well what didn’t.’

Let it out to... createabundance
And we’re not just ta lking money.
Far from in fact. Journaling to create
abundance is actually all about shifting
our thinking from a ‘lac k’ mentality to
an abundant one. ‘Today’s generation
has grown up without the likelihood of a
steady stable job due to globalisatio n
and rapid technological advances an
the worst recession si nce the 1930s’

explai ns Robert. ‘Add to the mix the fact
that today’s society is plagued not only
by the media and corporate marketing
suggesting that everyone should be
slim beautiful happy and successful
but al so countl ess “friends” on
Facebook postingevidence of their
wonderful lives showing how well they
are doing. All of this sublimin ally instils
a pres sure to succeed to thrive to be
happy to be beautiful and to be st
It’s no wonder then that so many of us
lack a positive and abundant mindset.
One of Katie’s tools – ‘Texts from
Yourself’ – targets this. Set an alarm on
your phone daily that says: ‘Hey how
are you? How are you feeling?’ Then
simply answer these questions in your
journal taking time to think deeply
expres sing gratitude for the things that
have gone well and free-writing on the
things that haven’t. ‘A deep sense of
self-awarene ss I have found is one
of the true keysto happiness and
fulfilment’ says Katie.

Let it out to... heal
From affirming a belief in healing a
physic al condition tocalming the mind
journaling can help cure many an
ailm ent. Katie’s technique ‘The F-Word
Thro w Down’ for example zeroes in on
forgiveness and how this can plague us
if not ad dressed. ‘This is easily the
toughest tool in the book – but al so the
most transformatio nal’ she says.
‘Holding on to re sentment whether
toward yourself or others is like drinking
poison: it on ly hurts you.’
So how do we go about it? Katie
encourages us to first of all id entify
our resentments. Ask yourself: ‘What
relation ships or memori es st ill cause
me pain or sadness? Who am I unwilling
to forgive?’ Then dig in. Write exploring
why you’re still holding these
resentments and how it would feel if you
no longer ha d them. Next create a list of
compassion id entifying the ways in
which those you resent – even if it’s
yourself – are struggling or suffering
and put yourself in their shoes. ‘Doing
this heightens one’s sense of self by
facilitating the process ofgetting to
know and understand one’s own
thoughts values feelings and emotion s
and to learn from them investing this
knowledge in creatin g a bettertomorrow
for oneself’ Robert explains.

Let it out to... feel
‘Most fear is actually uncertainty in
disguise and to conquer our fears and

reach new levels of success we must
move outside our comfort zone – right
into the spot where uncertainty and fear
set up camp’ explains Katie. Thro ugh
writing you can channel these fears
safely thus opening yourself up to
othe r feelings.
Katie’s ‘Fear-Quashin g Worksheet’
technique does just this. Start by
completing this sentence: ‘The fear that
is stuckin my mind is...’ Defi ne where this
fear came from explore how it makes
you feel and write about it. Then
complete this sentence: ‘This fear is
completely fake and does not actually
exist because... ’ Not only is the process
of pu tting these thoughts onto paper
extremely therapeutic and beneficial
(writing them down forces you to become
objective thereby al lowingyou to make
sense ofthem). It’s also grea t for your
brain. ‘You are creatin g new neural
pathways bybringing your thoughts into
the light of awareness and this will
dissolve the intense charge they may
hold – so journaling is definitely good
for your health’ Veronica adds.

Let it out to... reveal
Novelist Paulo Coelho wrote: ‘You
will never be able to escape from your
heart. So it’s betterto listen to what it
has to say.’ We all have thoughts
memori es and hang-ups and for most
of us they’re sealed in a padlocked box
in the backof our minds. Katie however
encourages us to let them out. ‘This is
invaluable in discovering and definin g
oneself’ agrees Rob. ‘It’s all about
calmly acknowledging thoughts
emotions feelings and sensation s as
they arise with acceptance and
without judgement.’
Katie’s tool ‘The Hunt-For-Light-In-
The- Dark’ encourages us to re lease our
self-hateregularly writing down our
deepest emotion s and thoughts in
real-time. The beauty of the journal?
Honesty. ‘We are far more likely to write
things that really matter an d to be
honest with ours elves in a journal
rather than spin ning our lives out on a
public forum and adding a rosy sheen’
explai ns Rob. Even if these thoughts
seemtoo dark to admit to anothe r
person here there are no restraints

  • so get ugly. By acknowledging their
    presence you’re one step closer to
    releasin g them. ‘Over time you’ll be able
    to pull more and more light out of you
    illuminating your reasons to live and
    slowly dimini shin g the darkness
    clouding your life’ says Katie.

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