Time - INT (2022-05-23)

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Presidential hopeful Luiz Inácio
Lula da Silva addresses union
workers in São Paulo on May 1

Photograph by Luisa Dörr for TIME

VOL. 199, NOS. 19–20 | 2022

The Brief

The View

Unsettled Law
Both sides of the abortion issue
mobilize for an overturned Roe v. Wade
By Abigail Abrams
The Supreme Court may end up
reversing more than Roe
By Erwin Chemerinsky
Our clinic won’t shut down
By Robin Marty and Leah Torres

Shrinking Big Oil
The puzzle of changing a notorious
industry when it’s raking in profits
By Justin Worland

Polar Expeditions
Receding ocean ice reveals costs and
opportunities in the Arctic
By Aryn Baker

The Return of Lula
Brazil’s former President emerges
from political exile to challenge the
right-wing incumbent
By Ciara Nugent

Next Generation Leaders
Trailblazers from around the world
show the way to a brighter future

Time Off
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