Asian Photography - December 2015

(ff) #1
DECEMBER 2015 51

depicted the songs. We visually recreated every song
in the form of a picture and every picture was part
of a bigger story. There was an insane amount of
production involved, and we had to shoot almost 15
different set ups in just two days. Even after a month
of planning, things of course went wrong – props
getting misplaced, laptops spontaneously dying,
running out of time, memory cards getting lost in a five
storey building (and being found, thankfully!) and so
much more. We collaborated with so many people on
this, that there were moments when I had to be in ten
places at the same time and it was just chaos. Despite
everything, the shoot went amazingly well, and we
managed to get some pretty interesting pictures out of
it, which just makes everything worth it.
What are you currently exploring, any
upcoming projects? Any collaboration? Are

there other forms/genres of photography that
you are interested in?
I am currently exploring vacation ideas because
I desperately need to get out of the city! But on a
serious note, I’m eagerly awaiting the release of the
earlier collaboration I mentioned, and a few other
projects that are in the pipeline.
What would you like to advice to youngsters
who are interested in entering the field of
I don’t know if I’m in a place to give anyone
advice, but here’s something I tell myself everyday -
Don’t lose heart. Good things take time. After all the
talk about art and gear and inspirations and ideas, the
reality of life is that we live in a world where anybody
could be a photographer. Don’t be an “anybody”. Find
what you love, what works for you, and keep at it.

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