
(Greg DeLong) #1
asiaSpa India March-April 2016 101

Fashion designer

I am a  tness junkie
I go to the gym and do yoga at least
three to four times a week. This is
a must in my life. Apart from doing
cardio, I also do a lot of functional
training, wherein my body weight is
used for different kinds of exercises.
Exercise is a great way of destressing.

Yoga keeps me calm and centred
I have been doing Ashtanga yoga for
a very long time. Last year, I went to
Pattabhi Jois’s yoga school in Mysore
and trained there. It was an enriching
experience. Yoga is one of the best ways
to stay fit and attain peace of mind. It
keeps me calm and centred.

Going to spa retreats gives me a high
I have been to Ananda in the
Himalayas as well as Vana. Ananda
is absolutely beautiful and the
Ayurvedic treatments are out of this
world. Vana, on the other hand,
is very Zen-like – it’s very simple
yet classic. Going to these kinds
of retreats gives me a high. After
spending a few days there, your mind
is alert and your body is more fit and
toned. It is like an adrenaline rush.

I eat a lot of Hyderabadi food
at home
I love eating good food, so I include
a lot of vegetables and salads in
my diet. I try to eat a diet that is
balanced in all respects and avoid
carbohydrates such as white bread
and white rice. I also eat almonds,
sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin
seeds, fish oil and dark chocolate
since they are beneficial for your
overall health. But, at the same time,
I eat a lot of Hyderabadi food at
home – I just can’t stay away from
my chicken and biryani, but it is good
home-cooked food. I don’t like to eat
fried and junk food. Once you start
following a healthy diet plan, your
body automatically starts rejecting
calorie-laden food. And, fortunately,
I don’t have a sweet tooth, so I am
saved there!

Hitting the gym & doing yoga help
me destress
Whenever I am stressed out, I just
get into my pajamas, eat some good
comfort food, watch re-runs of my
favourite shows and spend time
with my family. Hitting the gym and
doing yoga also help me feel better in
stressful situations.


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