
(Greg DeLong) #1
1 cup of green tea/tea/
coffee without sugar
1 tbsp sunflower seeds

1 cup of green tea/tea/
coffee without sugar
5 cashews

1 cup of green tea/tea/
coffee without sugar
1 tbsp pumpkin seeds

1 cup of green tea/tea/
coffee without sugar
7 almonds

1 cheela
1 cup of chhaach

1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of seasonal
fruit (cut)

1/2 cup of yogurt
1 tbsp walnuts (crushed)
1/4 cup of apple (cut)

1 egg, 1/2 cup of
cottage cheese
1 slice of multigrain or
whole-wheat toast
1 cup of coconut water 1 cup of without sugarjamun juice 1 cup of grapefruit juice or buttermilk without sugar 1 cup of coconut water

1 cup of yogurt or raita
1/2 cup of fruit (cut)

2 cups of salad
1 cup of
seasonal vegetables

2 cups of yogurt or raita
1 cup of
seasonal vegetables

1 cup of coconut water
1–2 cups of salad

1 cup of green tea/tea/
coffee without sugar
100–150 gms chicken or
fish/1/2 cup of cottage
cheese or tofu/1 cup of soy

1 cup of green tea/tea/
coffee without sugar
1/2 cup of snacks (roasted)

1 cup of green tea/tea/
coffee without sugar
100-150 gm chicken or fish/
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
or tofu/1 cup of soy

1 cup of green tea/tea/
coffee without sugar
1/2 cup of snacks (roasted)

1–2 cups of salad/1 cup of soup/1–2 cups of vegetables

to indulge in unhealthy eating
habits – after o ce, in the evening,
late at night, and while watching
television, chatting with a friend,
studying, partying or in restaurants.
Find the time you end up binging
the most and look for solutions

  1. Plan your meals: Decide in
    advance how much you will eat
    during each meal and follow it
    without cheating

  2. Make comfort food more
    comforting: Try smaller portions
    of your favourite comfort food or
    choose healthier options – honey
    coated nuts instead of biscuits is
    not a big sacri ce
    11. The half plate rule: Make sure
    half your plate has vegetables and
    fruits, and divide the rest between
    proteins and starch
    12. Don’t treat food as a reward or
    punishment: Healthy food should
    be fun, and a way of life. Don’t
    eat the same thing all the time –
    innovate and create new recipes
    13. Beware of smart marketing:
    Several so called diet and
    health foods may serve you
    higher calories, fat or sugar than
    the regular ones. ‘Fat free or
    cholesterol free’ foods might be
    loaded with trans fats or sugar, so
    choose your food wisely
    14. Write a diary: Keep a food diary
    and make a note of everything you
    eat in a day. It’s one of the most
    powerful tools that will stare you
    in the face and tell you where you
    are going wrong. So, the next time
    you resolve to improve your eating
    habits, start by reaching out for a
    pen and a paper
    15. Portion and balance: If you
    must eat food that is not healthy,
    restrict yourself to smaller
    portions. If you’ve not been able
    to hold yourself back and have
    eaten excessively, apply the
    principle of balance – eat a lighter
    meal after

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