
(Greg DeLong) #1
94 asiaSpa India March-April 2016




Wellness gives you a glow from within
Fitness is an important part of overall
wellness, but mental fitness is very
important too. How you live your
life, conduct yourself and treat others
impacts it in a big way. Wellness gives
you that glow from within that just
physical exercise and fitness never can.

Yoga is the best way to cleanse yourself
of all negativity
I start with 20 minutes of jogging in the
morning – it is the best time because the
air is fresh. After that, it is time for yoga;
I meditate for mental fitness too. I feel
yoga is the best way to cleanse yourself
of all negativity and get healthy glowing

skin. I usually begin with anulom-
bilom, bhramari pranayam and
kapalbhati and then move on to the
other asanas. Even if I am travelling,
I never miss yoga! I have a yoga
mat in almost every travel bag, so I
never leave it behind. You don’t need
anything fancy with yoga. Just some
space and a little peace and quiet
will do. Other than this, I have
caught the TRX training bug of late,
and it has helped me strengthen my
core and build endurance. If I work
out in the gym, I do a mix cardio,
spinning and cycling.

Pomegranate juice on an empty
stomach is the best detox ever
I start my day with warm water,
lemon and honey. A glass of fresh
pomegranate juice on an empty
stomach is the best detox ever!
Breakfast is mostly an egg-white
sandwich, a banana or chiku shake
and almonds. Before lunch, I eat a
mini meal of fruits. Lunch is usually
dal, vegetables or chicken curry with
multigrain rotis, curd and cucumber
salad. A brown-bread sandwich or
homemade bhel is my evening snack.
Dinner is light.

I crave for Chamba-style rajma
Sometimes, I crave for rajma made
in the special Chamba-style. It is
normally cooked in ghee, so I can’t
have it too often.

I always value time
Time management is the key
to work-life balance. I always
value time and it is easy for me to
compartmentalise things. Knowing
what is really important and what
could be postponed helps.



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