Travel + Leisure

(Dana P.) #1




Learning on the go

Actor SONALI BENDRE BEHL recently turned author with the release
of her first book on parenting, The Modern Gurukul. The doting
parent believes in the concept of travelling with the family to
raise a healthy, curious and compassionate child, and shares her
insights on a trip to Pench National Park.

family is all about making it a
value-creating experience for
my child. That’s what makes
it truly worthwhile, exciting
and memorable, even though
my son, Ranveer, sees it purely
as a fun, family vacation. My
homework towards planning
a trip is sometimes based
on his studies. If his current
reading includes a historical
event like the First World War,
my research would centre on
a signifi cant city like Berlin.
From museums to sightseeing
or simply walking down the
city streets, it all leads to
getting up close and personal
with a new culture. This way, a
holiday becomes an enriching
experience for him and a great
opportunity for us to bond.
Holidays are important
milestones in the journey of
parenting. Now that Ranveer is
10 years old, we involve him in
planning the trip. My husband,
Goldie, and I make sure we
don’t travel with help, so it’s
all about our time and bonding
with our son. It doesn’t
surprise me that after every
holiday, Ranveer comes back a
little more independent.
We’re lucky to live in
a country with such a rich
culture and history, and there
is so much to explore here.
One of our most memorable
vacations was in Madhya
Pradesh when Ranveer was
very young. I love safaris and
planned a trip to the Pench
National Park for us. Our fi rst
safari as a family turned out
to be as life transforming for
my husband as it was for my
son. Goldie has always been a
technology-oriented and city
person but it was here that he

actually ‘disconnected’ and
began to truly enjoy being
outdoors. Ranveer’s perspective
also changed completely. He
hates seeing animals caged
in a zoo now, and is my ‘little
Ranveer didn’t just see the
wildlife in Pench and learn
the names of the animals
and trees, but he also learned
to respect nature. He was
responsible for his own
backpack that contained a
torch, magnifying glass, and
an inexpensive camera. We
had also taken glitter pens,
feathers, and glue with us, so
we gathered pebbles and leaves

and made some interesting
craft items after the trip. 
There are lessons aplenty
in each experience, not just for
kids but for parents as well.
From brushing up my general
knowledge to becoming a
better organiser and a more
hands-on mother, holidays are
my fun-fi lled way of nurturing
my son while working on
aspects of my own personality.
It’s a classic win-win.

Sonali Bendre Behl; the city of Berlin
is steeped in history; the artistic
impressions on the Berlin Wall; a
skittish deer at Pench National Park;
safaris make for a great learning
experience for kids.
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