
(Greg DeLong) #1

Let’s Talk

capability to do anything. Their versatile
interiors are endlessly configurable,
offering you plenty of practicality for
virtually any thing you ask of it. Ferrying
serious businessmen? Check. Family
day out? Check. Party with your friends?
Check. Shopping for furniture? Check.
I understand that the interior can be
customised to have swivelling seats for
the middle row that can turn round and
face the rear, and even have a foldable
table if you wish. Think of all the fun
you can have with that! You could play
mahjong on the go for goodness sake!
Isn’t that awesome? I certainly think so.
JT I won’t hide the fact that much
of the drive is specifically for the
passenger’s comfort and pleasure,
and that it comes with boxy aesthetics
as a trade-off, but as it stands as a
brand proposition, the V-Class does
what is asked of it well, and makes
a show of it as well. After all, it takes
one with discerning taste and deep
pockets to make the move for such a
car—truly a branded proposition.

If you are a person
that has to take
work with you
while travelling, the
V-Class is as close
as it gets to travelling
and working in style

March 2016 // 55
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