Asian Geographic 3 - 2016 SG

(Michael S) #1

ALEXANDRA BOULAT was a photojournalist
best known for her photos documenting
the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza. She
co-founded the VII Photo Agency.

(1962–2007), who after studying graphic art
in Paris, packed a camera bag for the Balkans
and never looked back.
Assignments in Croatia, Kosovo and
Bosnia during the 1990s would pave the way
for her photojournalism career, and largely
influenced by her father, LIFE photographer
Pierre Boulat, Alexandra is today celebrated
for her award-winning photos of conflict and
women in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza.
ASIAN Geographic pays tribute to this
fearless photojournalist and documentary
photographer – who through this series of
photos, taken before, during and after the
Iraq invasion of March 2003 – shows us the
triumphs and tears of war. ag

Iraqis celebrate the removal of Saddam
Hussein's statues by pulling the head of
the statue around the city (9 April 2003)
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