“I became interested in the work of groups who said
they were seeking women’s liberation. But I realised
that they could not meet any of their goals. People
laughed at them,” she recounts.
“I know my position seems very radical, but
sometimes the stick is the only way to achieve change.”
A Pink R evolution
Despite her unorthodox and vigilante methods,
those of which attract the most attention, Pal has
also tailored more traditional programmes to move
beyond the specific cases that land at her feet daily, in
order to achieve a greater impact in the community.
“Society will only change if we eliminate the
inherent subordination of the role given to women.
And this is a revolution that has to come from us.
Therefore, besides having established self-help
and legal counselling groups to address individual
cases, we focus also on programmes to achieve
their freedom, from savings funds to events with
companies where women can be hired,” she says.
Sampat Pal Devi’s goals are very clear and ambitious.
She says, “We want to eradicate child marriage and the
dowry tradition, act firmly against domestic violence
and promote the empowerment of women through
education and social awareness.”
“Many argue that those are rights already protected
by our Constitution, but the problem doesn’t lie with
the law, thank goodness, but with its implementation.
We live in a violent patriarchy that permeates all
ZIGOR ALDAMA is an award-winning journalist
based in Shanghai, China, where he works as
correspondent for Vocento, Spain’s largest
media group. He has been covering social
issues in the Far East since 1999 and the Indian
suicide crisis since 2013.
MIGUEL CANDELA is a Spanish photographer
currently based in Hong Kong. He specialises
in social features across Asia and uses
photography to capture the present as a
historical memento. Miguel won Best New
Talent at the 2012 Prix de la Photographie (Px3)
Paris competition.
institutions, especially the police and politicians
at the highest level. If we women don’t save
ourselves, nobody will,” she concludes. ag