Lonely Planet Asia - June 2016

(Wang) #1




Fushimi Inari Shrine;
Hozu-kyo Ravine,
Arashiyama; Nijo Castle

Fushimi Inari Shrine
As one of the most popular Shinto shrines in
the area and known for its iconic vermillion
gates (of which there are more than 10,000),
the Fushimi Inari Shrine brims with cultural
significance. If you’re feeling adventurous, take
a breath-taking hike up the trails past rows of
bright torii gates to reach the peak of Mount
Inari, away from the clamour of camera-
shuttering tourists to get the perfect shot.

Although one of the most popular
cherry blossom-viewing destinations
in Kyoto, the northern part of
Arashiyama is worth a gander,
further from its touristy centre,
and with several small temples
scattered along the base of the
mountains. Particularly
picturesque are the bamboo
groves near Tenryuji Temple
which offer the perfect photo
opportunity as light gently filters
through the tall, swaying

Nijo Castle
Built in 1603 as the Kyoto residence of
the Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun
of the Edo Period (1603-1867), Nijo
Castle was designated a UNESCO
World Heritage Site for its unique
architecture and historical significance.
Walk through the sprawling castle
grounds into the large garden where
the imperial family used to entertain
guests, and experience the grandeur of
the Ninomaru Palace where the
shogun would use to receive visitors.
Surviving in original form, the floors of
the Ninomaru Palace are dubbed
nightingale floors for the way they
would squeak when stepped upon, a
security measure against intruders.
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