BBC Knowledge Asia Edition2

(Kiana) #1
Sous-vide is one of the
best ways to cook food
to perfection, but until
now it’s been expensive
and reserved for chefs.
Mellow is a smart sous-
vide device that will be
able to store food in a
refrigerated state, weigh
it and cook it ready for
when you want it. It
even has a smart chef
that’ll learn what foods
you like to offer the
perfect meal or make
suggestions in the
future. The next step?
Something that will
grow and harvest the
food, too.

Even making hot
drinks is more
intelligently handled
now. Smarter Coffee,
as the name suggests,
offers a clever way to
make coffee via your
smartphone and an
app. Select what drink you want, how strong and for
how many people; the machine will do the rest, and
you’ll be notified when it’s ready to collect from the
kitchen. If you want it for when you wake or arrive
home, it can do that, too. More of a tea person? The
iKettle heats water to particular temperatures to suit
your chosen brew, while its Formula mode will boil
water as soon as it hears your baby crying, then keeps
it at the perfect temperature for bottles.

Never run low on food again thanks to Smart Fridge
Cam and Smarter Mat. The camera sticks to the
inside of your fr idge door with suction pads and lets
you look inside when you’re out shopping. The
Smarter Mat can be placed under items like milk in
the fridge or rice in the cupboard, and will detect the
weight to alert you when you’re running low.

Growing fresh herbs no longer requires a garden,
green fingers or even effort – the Smart Herb Garden
automates it all. Just load in plant capsules, fill the
tank with water and plug it in, and the Smart Soil
and system’s sensors will keep water, oxygen and
nutrients at optimal levels for perfect growth. You
just have to make sure it gets some light, which
hopefully isn’t too much to ask.


Wireless is the future, but even juicing up a smartphone
via a charging plate will be old news soon. Companies
are already showing off long-range, over-the-air power
solutions. Energous WattUp claims to power devices
from six metres away. This wil l mean never charg ing a
gadget again.


All hail the microwave.
While they were first
introduced in 1967, it
was in the 1980s that
they became small and
powerful enough to bear
the load of cooking.

Sous-vide is the new
hassle-free cooker. Set
the bagged food in the
water-filled unit and it’ll
do the rest.

You’ll be able to 3D print
and cook your food.
Scientists are already
showing off 3D printed
hamburgers. By 2036 we
may no longer grow food
but will instead cultivate
the right cells to print off
our meals.

Even novices can cook to
perfection with a smart
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