BBC Knowledge Asia Edition 3

(Marcin) #1


pathogens and is unstable due to it being

sensitive to many stimulants. It can, however,

be improved through leading a healthy

lifestyle of ample rest, regular exercise and a

proper diet. Acquired immunity, on the other

hand, is activated by vaccination and is the

second encounter when pathogens attack

the body. It is skillful and specialised to attack

a certain strain of foreign bodies based on

the information received from the innate

immunity cells and the vaccination. Though

both forms of immunity have separate roles to

play against bacteria, viruses and tumor cells, it

is imperative that they work well together.

In daily life,

augmentation natural

immunity helps to

prevent diseases and

one such example are

the NK cells. NK cells

work on the front

line of the immune

system for protecting

the body from

pathogens, viruses and

cancer. These cells

are present and active

in all individuals

from two years of

age but NK activity

varies individually.

NK activity means

the intensity of the

performance of

NK cells, and is recognised as a barometer
of immunity. Since NK cells fall under
the natural immunity category, it can be
influenced by various factors in daily life
and age is one of the major factors. NK
cell activity usually peaks during young
adulthood, at 20 – 25 years of age, and
gradually decreases with age. Other factors
include an unhealthy amount of stress and
smoking, which will cause a reduction in
NK cell activity. Epidemiological studies
reveal that populations with low NK cell
activity have a significantly higher risk of
cancer than populations with intermediate
or high NK cell
activity. Thus, NK
cells play a pivotal
role in the survey and
eradication of cancer
cells and infected cells
in human.
Since NK cells fall
under the natural
immunity category,
improvement in
dietary habits will
affect cell activity.
Therefore, it is
important to take
in food beneficial
to the body.
Supplementation of
probiotics will help
boost immunity
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