New Scientist - UK (2022-05-14)

(Maropa) #1

14 | New Scientist | 14 May 2022

News Insight

THE US Supreme Court appears
to be on the brink of repealing
Roe v Wade, the 1973 ruling that
protects the right to an abortion
in the country. Should the seminal
case be overturned, it will be left
to each state to decide whether
abortion is legal for its residents.
According to the Guttmacher
Institute, a reproductive rights
research group, 13 states have
so-called trigger laws ready that
would effectively ban all abortions
as soon as the ruling is overturned.
Another nine states have restrictive
abortion laws enacted before 1973
that will go back into effect if the
case is repealed. Four more states
are expected to pass anti-abortion
legislation as soon as federal
protections are lifted.
Six in 10 US women aged 13 to
44 live in one of these 26 states,
which are primarily in the South
and the Midwest (see “The legal
landscape”, right). Restrictions
in these states would range from
abortion bans after six weeks of
pregnancy (only two weeks after a
first missed period) to recognising
“fetal personhood”, which declares
that life begins at fertilisation and
bans all abortions. Some states
would allow exceptions in cases
of rape, incest or when the
pregnant person’s life is at
risk; others wouldn’t.
Several studies have found
that abortion rates aren’t lower
in countries with more restrictive
laws, but deaths due to abortion
are as much as 34 times higher.
These findings have been used to
suggest that such restrictive laws
don’t reduce the total number of
abortions, they simply reduce
the number of safe abortions.
Antonia Biggs at the University
of California, San Francisco, says in
the US in 2022, that isn’t precisely
true. She helped run the Turnaway
study, the most comprehensive
investigation to date of what

happens to people denied an
abortion. Biggs and her colleagues
interviewed nearly 1000 women
across the US, following up with
them for five years. They found
that, of those who were initially
denied an abortion, only about
20 per cent later obtained one.
“I don’t think I agree with this
statement that abortions won’t
go down. We know that they will,”
says Biggs. Data from Texas, which
passed a six-week abortion ban in
2021, supports this. Researchers at
the University of Texas at Austin
found that the state’s abortion
rate was cut in half in September
2021, the month the law was
implemented, compared with
the same month the previous year.
However, thousands of Texans
denied an abortion have travelled
to a neighbouring state to obtain
care in the months since the law

and the majority of them fall into
these categories, with 75 per cent
being on low incomes and 59 per
cent having had at least one prior
birth. In fact, the number one
reason people seek an abortion
is due to financial concerns. So,
many experts are concerned that

already underserved communities
will bear the brunt of a change in
US abortion protections.
“We are definitely going to have
individuals, families, communities
who are going to be further
impoverished, who are going to
be further marginalised from the
healthcare systems” if Roe v Wade
is repealed, says Brandi Shah,
a fellow with Physicians for
Reproductive Health, a US
advocacy organisation.

Will unsafe abortions rise?
People who are no longer able to
get an abortion at a clinic might
try to manage it on their own.
When performed properly,
abortion is as safe as common
dental procedures. The most
recent figures from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
show that in the US, there are 0.
deaths per 100,000 legal abortions.
However, when abortions
are performed in unsanitary
conditions or by untrained
providers, they can be deadly.
According to a study from 2009,
68,000 women die worldwide
from unsafe abortions every year,
primarily from haemorrhage and
infection. Another 5 million have
long-term health implications.
Sarah Prager at the University of
Washington says the medications
misoprostol and mifepristone

Activists demonstrating
in front of the US
Supreme Court on 3 May


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What is at risk if Roe v Wade falls?

State laws could restrict abortion in large parts of the US, and other reproductive
healthcare offerings may be at stake, reports Dana G. Smith

was passed. Clinics in Oklahoma,
for example, have seen a surge in
demand: before the Texas ban, the
wait was two or three days for an
appointment; after the ban, that
went up to four weeks.
“As states drastically limit
abortion access – they either
ban it entirely or they have earlier
gestational bans – you will see this
disruption in access from coast to
coast because there just are not
enough clinics and providers to
meet the need,” says Elizabeth

Nash at the Guttmacher Institute.
Travelling hundreds or
even thousands of kilometres
also isn’t feasible for many people,
particularly those who have a
lower income, need childcare or
can’t take time off work. In the US,
1 in 4 women will have an abortion,

Maternal deaths per
100,000 live births in the US

“You will see disruption in
access from coast to coast
because there aren’t
enough abortion clinics”
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