
(Amelia) #1
Lee Young is an avid
traveller with wanderlust in
his blood. He prefers to
shoot on film and photos
from this piece were shot on
his Nikon FM 2 camera on
Fujichrome Velvia 100F film
that has been cross-
processed. Find more
colourful wonders on his
Instagram @tall_youngster.

Setting foot in Kamakura,
I could almost feel and
touch the history and
culture in the air. Quaint
surroundings of lowrise
buildings seemed to
whisper secret tales of
violent power struggles
and scandalous
politicking. After all, this
small idyllic coastal city
was once an ancient
Japanese political capital
during the Kamakura
Shogunate. Armed with
my Nikon FM 2 camera, I
set forth to explore the
nooks and crannies of
this charming city.

Boats lay idle at
Yuigahama beach

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