
(singke) #1

airtight container along with plastic-pack and kept away from the furnace. Once
the pack is opened, it has to be consumed within 4 weeks. Salt should prefera-
bly be added on table rather than during cooking, as iodine quickly sublimates
on exposure to heat.

  1. What is the recommended daily allowance for iodine?

Recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iodine as suggested by WHO is
summarized in the table given below.

Age RDA of iodine (μg/day)
0–5 years 90
6–12 years 120
>12 years 150
Pregnancy and lactation 250

  1. What are the causes of hypothyroidism in children?

Iodine defi ciency is the most common cause of primary hypothyroidism in chil-
dren worldwide. However, in iodine-suffi cient regions, the commonest cause is
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Other causes of hypothyroidism in children include
neck irradiation, delayed-onset dyshormonogenesis, ectopic thyroid gland,
consumptive hypothyroidism, and secondary hypothyroidism (pituitary tran-
scription factor defects and sellar–suprasellar mass). The fi gure illustrated
below shows primary hypothyroidism in a child with ectopic thyroid gland
(Figs. 3.10 and 3.11 ).

Fig. 3.10 Lingual thyroid
in a child with juvenile

3 Thyroid Disorders in Children

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