Fig. 4.2 ( a ) Moon facies and plethora in a 14-year-old boy with ectopic Cushing’s syndrome. ( b )
Chest X-ray shows left para-hilar soft tissue mass ( red arrow ). ( c , d ) Axial CT chest confi rms the
left para-hilar mass suggestive of bronchial carcinoid ( red arrows )
a b
Fig. 4.3 ( a ) A 2-month-old girl with Cushing’s syndrome having round facies, facial plethora,
and ptosis of the left eye. ( b ) Sagittal CEMR demonstrates a large sellar–suprasellar enhancing
mass ( red arrow ) causing sellar expansion in the same child. The histopathology of the lesion
revealed ACTH-secreting congenital immature teratoma
4 Childhood Cushing’s Syndrome