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  1. How to examine for genu valgum and genu varum?

Genu varum is determined by the measurement of intercondylar distance.
Examination can be performed in sitting or supine posture with both the
lower limbs kept in straight position. Patient is asked to approximate the
malleoli, and intercondylar distance is measured thereafter with a metallic
tape. A distance of >5–6 cm is suggestive of genu varum. Genu valgum is
determined by the measurement of intermalleolar distance. Examination can
be performed in the same position as for genu varum. Patient is asked to
approximate the femoral condyles and intermalleolar distance is measured
with a metallic tape. A distance of >8–10 cm is suggestive of genu valgum.

  1. What are the radiological manifestations of rickets?

Rickets is a metabolic bone disease that involves epiphysis, physis (growth
plate), metaphysis, and diaphysis.

Site Features
Epiphysis Irregular margins
Physis Widening along longitudinal axis
Metaphysis Fraying, cupping, splaying
Coarse trabecular pattern
Diaphysis Osteopenia, cortical thinning,
Looser’s zone

The other radiological findings include deformities in the extremities (e.g.,
bowing), rachitic rosary, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, triradiate pelvis,
and wormian bones (Fig. 5.10).

Active rickets

Cupping with fraying

Metaphysis Widening


Fig. 5.10 Diagrammatic illustration of metaphyseal changes in rickets

5 Rickets–Osteomalacia
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