hCG stimulation test is also useful to differentiate anorchidism from bilateral
Diagnosis Androstenedione Testosterone Dihydrotestosterone Remarks
Elevated Elevated Elevated –
5 α-reductase
type 2
defi ciency
Normal to
Elevated Low T/DHT ratio >10
Elevated Low Low T: ∆ 4 ratio <0.8
Low Low Low No response to
even prolonged
hCG stimulation
- What are the causes of presence of Mullerian derivatives in a child with genital
ambiguity and palpable gonads?
The presence of Mullerian structures in a child with ambiguous genitalia and
palpable gonads suggests dysgenetic testes or ovotestes. Inability of dysgenetic
testes/ovotestes to produce suffi cient quantity of AMH and testosterone results
in persistence of Mullerian derivates and genital ambiguity, respectively. The
differential diagnosis includes ovotesticular DSD, mixed gonadal dysgenesis,
and 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis.
- How to evaluate a child with genital ambiguity and non - palpable gonads?
Absence of palpable gonads in a child with ambiguous genitalia suggests
either undervirilized 46,XY infant or virilized 46,XX infant. The most com-
mon cause of virilization in 46,XX infant is CAH due to 21α-hydroxylase
defi ciency, and it is important to recognize this disorder as it can be life threat-
ening due to salt-wasting crisis. Undervirilization in 46,XY infant with non-
palpable gonads suggest 46,XY partial gonadal dysgenesis or 17α-hydroxylase
defi ciency. In addition, infants with mixed gonadal dysgenesis and ovotesticu-
lar DSD can also present with genital ambiguity and non-palpable gonads.
Karyotype and stimulated 17(OH)P can establish the diagnosis in a child with
ambiguous genitalia and non-palpable gonads. After establishing the diagno-
sis, gonads should be localized in infants with 46,XY DSD, OT-DSD, and
MGD (Fig. 9.13 ).
9 Disorders of Sex Development