
(singke) #1

  1. What are the DSDs associated with eunuchoidal body proportions?

The DSDs associated with eunuchoidal body proportions include 46,XY
and 46,XX complete gonadal dysgenesis, androgen biosynthetic defects
(17β- HSD3, 17α-hydroxylase deficiency), and placental aromatase

  1. How to classify gonadal dysgenesis?

Gonadal dysgenesis refers to defective development of gonads, which can vary
from hypoplastic and dysfunctioning gonads mainly composed of fi brous tissue
without any germ cells (ovarian-like stroma, i.e., streak gonads) to incomplete
gonadal development (dysgenetic gonads). Dysgenetic gonads commonly con-
tain hypoplastic seminiferous tubules and fi brous tissue (dysgenetic testis). The
differences between various types of gonadal dysgenesis are summarized in the
table given below.

Types Gonad Genitalia
Complete or pure gonadal
dysgenesis (46,XX or 46,XY)

Bilateral streak gonads External: female
Internal: female
Partial gonadal dysgenesis (46,XX
or 46,XY)

Bilateral dysgenetic gonads External: female to
Internal: commonly
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis

Dysgenetic testis on one side
and streak on the other side

External: ambiguous
Internal: female/male

  1. What are the somatic features associated with 46 , XY gonadal dysgenesis?

The presence of extragonadal manifestations provide clues to the diagnosis of
46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. These are summarized in the table given below.

Extragonadal manifestations Syndrome Mutation
Wilm’s tumor, aniridia, genitourinary

WAGR syndrome WT1

Wilm’s tumor and early-onset nephropathy Denys–Drash syndrome WT1
Late-onset nephropathy Frasier syndrome WT1
Skeletal anomalies Camptomelic dysplasia SOX9
Mental retardation – WNT4, DMRT1,
α-Thalassemia – ATRX

9 Disorders of Sex Development

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