
(singke) #1

  1. What are the appropriate timings for genital reconstruction surgery in a girl
    with genital ambiguity due to CAH?

In girls with CAH who have severe genital virilization (Prader stage ≥3), clito-
ral recession should be considered along with perineal reconstruction during
infancy. Vaginal reconstruction in these children will depend on the position of
vaginal confl uence; if high vaginal confl uence is present, surgery may be
delayed till puberty, whereas with low vaginal confl uence, surgery may be done
simultaneously along with clitoroplasty. Children with Prader stage 1 and 2
should be kept under close surveillance as clitoromegaly may regress after
intensive treatment with glucocorticoids.

Further Readings

  1. DeGroot L, Jameson J. Endocrinology. Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier; 2010.

  2. Han TS, Walker BR, Arlt W, Ross RJ. Treatment and health outcomes in adults with congenital
    adrenal hyperplasia. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2014;10:115–24.

Fig. 10.20 Siblings with
CAH due to
21 α-hydroxylase
defi ciency ( a ) 46,XY ( b )
46,XX reared as male

10 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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