type 3). Recently, type 4 MEN syndrome has also been described. This classi-
fication is based on involvement of specific endocrine organs in each particular
type of MEN syndrome. The disorders which are associated with multiple
endocrine as well as non-endocrine neoplasia like Carney’s complex, Von
Hippel–Lindau disease, and neurofibromatosis type 1 are classified under mul-
tiple endocrine and other organ neoplasia (MEON) syndrome.
- What are the endocrine organs involved in different MEN syndrome?
The endocrine organs involved in different MEN syndrome are summarized in
the table given below.
MEN syndrome Endocrine organs involved Associated features
MEN 1 Parathyroid: hyperplasia/
Lipoma, collagenoma,
angiofibroma, gastric carcinoid,
Pituitary: prolactinoma, meningioma
Pancreas: gastrinoma,
Adrenal: nonfunctional
adrenal hyperplasia and
Thyroid: thyroid nodule,
MEN 2A Thyroid: MTC Cutaneous lichen amyloidosis
Parathyroid: hyperplasia/
Hirschsprung disease
Adrenal: pheochromocytoma
MEN 2B (MEN3) Thyroid: MTC Mucosal neuroma, marfanoid
habitus, and slipped capital femoral
Adrenal: pheochromocytoma
MEN 4 Parathyroid: adenoma Reproductive organ neoplasia
Pituitary: adenoma
Pancreas: NET
MNG multinodular goiter, MTC medullary thyroid carcinoma, NET neuroendocrine tumor
- What is the prevalence of different endocrine organ involvement in MEN1?
Parathyroid gland is the most common endocrine organ involved, and parathy-
roid hyperplasia/adenoma is seen in 95 % of patients with MEN1 syndrome.
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NET) occur in 40–70 % of MEN1 patients
and comprise of gastrinoma (40 %), insulinoma (10 %), glucagonoma (<1 %),
vasoactive intestinal polypeptidoma (VIPoma, <1 %), and nonfunctioning NET
(20–55 %). Anterior pituitary tumors occur in 30–40 % of patients of MEN 1
and consists of prolactinoma (20 %), somatotropinoma (10 %), corticotropi-
noma (<5 %), and NFPA (<5 %). In addition, patients with MEN1 may develop
adrenocortical tumor (40 %), angiofibroma (85 %), lipoma (30 %), collagenoma
11 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia