Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

(Michael S) #1

344 Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

Cao, Lan. Monkey Bridge. New York: Penguin Books,
Carbo, Nick. Andalusian Dawn. Cincinnati: Cherry
Grove Press, 2004.
———. El Grupo McDonald’s. Chicago: Tia Chucha
Press, 1995.
———. Secret Asian Man. Chicago: Tia Chucha
Press, 2000.
Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung. Dictée. New York: Tanam,
Chai , May-Lee. The Girl from Purple Mountain (Co-
author). New York: St. Martin’s, 2004.
———. Glamorous Asians. Indianapolis: University
of Indianapolis Press, 2004.
———. My Lucky Face. New York: Soho Press, 1997.
Chan, Jeffery Paul. Eat Everything Before You Die: A
Chinaman in the Counterculture. Seattle: Univer-
sity of Washington Press, 2004.
Chin, Frank, Jeffery Paul Chan, Lawson Fusao Inada,
and Shawn Wong, eds. Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of
Chinese American and Japanese American Litera-
ture. New York: Meridian, 1991.
Chan, Jeffery Paul, Frank Chin, Lawson Fusao Inada,
and Shawn Wong, eds. The Big Aiiieeeee!: An An-
thology of Chinese American and Japanese Ameri-
can Literature. New York: Penguin, 1991.
Chang, Diana. Earth, Water, Light: Poems Celebrating
the East End of Long Island. Brentwood, N.Y.: Bin-
ham Wood Graphics, 1991.
———. Eye to Eye. New York: Harper and Row, 1974.
———. The Frontiers of Love. New York: Random
House, 1956.
———. The Horizon Is Definitely Speaking. Port Jef-
ferson, N.Y.: Backstreet Editions, 1982.
———. The Only Game in Town. New York: Signet,
———. A Passion for Life. New York: Random House,
———. A Perfect Love. New York: Grove, 1978.
———. What Matisse Is After. New York: Contact
House, 1984.
———. A Woman of Thirty. New York: Random
House, 1959.
Chang, Lan Samantha. Hunger. New York: Penguin,
———. Inheritance. New York: Norton, 2004.

Chang, Leonard. Dispatches from the Cold. Seattle:
Black Heron Press, 1998.
———. The Fruit ’n Food. Seattle: Black Heron Press,
———. Over the Shoulder. New York: HarperCollins/
Ecco, 2000.
———. Underkill. New York: St. Martin’s Minotaur,
Chao, Patricia. Mambo Peligroso. New York: Harper-
Collins, 2005.
———. Monkey King. New York: HarperCollins,
Cheng, Terrence. Sons of Heaven. New York: Harper-
Collins, 2002.
Chin, Frank. Born in the USA: A Story of Japanese
America, 1889–1947. New York: Rowman & Little-
field, 2002.
———. Bulletproof Buddhists and Other Essays. Ho-
nolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1998.
———. The Chickencoop Chinaman and the Year
of the Dragon. Seattle: University of Washington
Press, 1981.
———. The Chinaman Pacific and Frisco R. R. Co.
Minneapolis: Coffee House, 1988.
———. Donald Duk. Minneapolis: Coffee House,
———. Gunga Din Highway. St. Paul, Minn.: Coffee
House Press, 1994.
Chin, Frank et al., eds. Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Chi-
nese American and Japanese American Literature.
New York: Meridian, 1991.
———. The Big Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Chinese
American and Japanese American Literature. New
York: Penguin, 1991.
Chin, Marilyn Mei Ling. Dwarf Bamboo. New York:
Greenfield Review Press, 1987.
———. The Phoenix Gone, the Terrace Empty. Min-
neapolis: Milkweed Editions, 1994.
———. Rhapsody in Plain Yellow. New York: Norton,
Chiu, Christina. Eating Disorder Survivors Tell Their
Stories. New York: Rosen, 1998.
———. Lives of Notable Asian-Americans: Literature
and Education. New York: Chelsea House, 1995.
———. Teen Guide to Staying Sober. New York:
Rosen, 1998.
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