Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

(Michael S) #1
Bibliography of Major Works by Asian-American Writers 345

———. Troublemaker and Other Saints. New York:
Penguin, 2001.
Choi, Sook Nyul. Echoes of the White Giraffe. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1993.
———. Gathering of Pearls. Boston: Houghton Mif-
flin, 1994.
———. Year of Impossible Goodbyes. Boston: Hough-
ton Mifflin, 1991.
Choi, Susan. American Woman. New York: Harper-
Collins, 2003.
———. The Foreign Student. New York: HarperCol-
lins, 1998.
Chong, Denise. The Concubine’s Children. New York:
Penguin, 1996.
———. The Girl in the Picture: The Story of Kim
Phuc, the Photograph, and the Vietnam War. New
York: Viking, 1998.
Chong, Ping. Kind Ness. Plays in Progress 8.9 (1986):
———. Nuit Blanche. In Between Worlds: Contempo-
rary Asian-American Plays, edited by Misha Ber-
son, 2–28. New York: Theatre Communications
Group, 1990.
———. Snow. Plays in Progress 10, no. 9 (1988): 1–
Chu, Louis Hing. Eat a Bowl of Tea. Seattle: Univer-
sity of Washington Press, 1979.
Daswani, Kavita. For Matrimonial Purposes. New
York: G. P. Putnam, 2003.
———. The Village Bride of Beverly Hills. New York:
G. P. Putnam, 2004.
Dawesar, Abha. Babyji. New York: Anchor Books,
———. Miniplanner. San Francisco: Cleis Press,
Desani, Govindas Vishnudas. All about H. Hatterr: A
Gesture. London: Aldor, 1948.
———. All about H. Hatterr, Etc. Rev. ed. New York:
Farrar, Straus and Young, 1951.
———. All about H. Hatterr: A Novel. 2nd rev. ed.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970.
———. All about H. Hatterr: A Novel. 3rd rev. ed.
New York: Lancer Books, 1972.
———. All about H. Hatterr: A Novel. 4th rev. ed.
Preface by Anthony Burgess. Penguin Modern
Classics series. London: Penguin, 1972. Reprint,

New Delhi: Arnold Heinemann, 1985. Reprint,
Kingston, N.Y.: McPherson, 1986. Reprint, New
Delhi: Penguin Books India, 1998.
———. Hali: A Poetic Play. Foreword by T. S. Eliot
and E. M. Forster. London: Saturn Press, 1950. Re-
print, Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 1967.
———. Hali and Collected Stories. Kingston, N.Y.:
McPherson, 1991. [Includes Hali and 23 sto-
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. Arranged Marriage.
New York: Doubleday, 1995.
———. Dark Like the River. Calcutta: Writers Work-
shop, 1987.
———. Leaving Yuba City: New and Selected Poems.
New York: Doubleday, 1997.
———. The Mistresses of Spices. New York: Double-
day, 1997.
———. Queen of Dreams. Detroit: Thomson/Gale,
———. The Reason for Nasturtiums. Berkeley, Calif.:
Berkeley Poets Workshop and Press, 1990.
———. Sister of My Heart. New York: Doubleday,
———. The Unknown Errors of Our Lives. New York:
Doubleday, 2001.
———. The Vine of Desire. New York: Doubleday,
Eaton, Winnifred. The Heart of Hyacinth. New York:
Harper, 1901.
———. The Honorable Miss Moonlight. New York:
Harper, 1912.
———. A Japanese Blossom. New York: Harper, 1906.
———. A Japanese Nightingale. New York: Harper,
———. The Love of Azalea. New York: Dodd, Mead,
———. Miss Numé of Japan: A Japanese-American
Romance. 1899. Reprint, Baltimore: Johns Hop-
kins University Press, 1999.
———. Sunny-San. New York: George H. Doran,
———. Tama. New York: Harper, 1910.
———. The Wooing of Wisteria. New York: Harper,
Far, Sui Sin (Edith Maude Eaton). Mrs. Spring Fra-
grance and Other Writings. Edited by Amy Ling
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