Bibliography of Major Works by Asian-American Writers 351
———. Spring Moon. New York: Harper and Row,
———. The Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson.
New York: HarperCollins, 1984.
Louie, David Wong. The Barbarians are Coming. New
York: Putnam, 2000.
———. Pangs of Love. New York: Knopf, 1991.
Lum, Darrell H. Y. “Encountering Sorrow.” In The
Quietest Singing, edited by Darrell H.Y Lum, Jo-
seph Stanton, and Estelle Enoki, 134–156. Hono-
lulu: Bamboo Ridge Press, 2000.
———. Sun: Short Stories and Drama. Honolulu.
Bamboo Ridge Press, 1980.
———. Pass On, No Pass Back. Honolulu: Bamboo
Ridge Press, 1990.
Mah, Adeline Yen. Chinese Cinderella. New York:
Delacorte, 1999.
———. Falling Leaves: The True Story of an Un-
wanted Chinese Daughter. New York: John Wiley,
———. A Thousand Pieces of Gold: A Memoir of Chi-
na’s Past through Its Proverbs. New York: Harper-
Collins, 2002.
———. Watching the Tree: A Chinese Daughter Re-
flects on Happiness, Tradition, and Spiritual Wis-
dom. New York: Broadway Books, 2001.
Maki, John M. Government and Politics in Japan: The
Road to Democracy. New York: Praeger, 1964.
———. Japanese Militarism: Its Cause and Cure. New
York: Knopf, 1945.
Massey, Sujata. The Bride’s Kimono. New York: Harp-
erCollins, 2001.
———. The Floating Girl. New York: HarperCollins,
———. The Flower Master. New York: HarperCol-
lins, 2000.
———. The Pearl Diver. New York: HarperCollins,
———. The Salaryman’s Wife. New York: Harper-
Collins, 1997.
———. The Samurai’s Daughter. New York: Harper-
Collins, 2003.
———. The Typhoon Lover. New York: HarperCol-
lins, 2006.
———. Zen Attitude. New York: HarperCollins,
Matsueda, Pat. The Fish Catcher. Honolulu: Petro-
nium Press, 1985.
———. St ray. Honolulu: El León and Manoa Books,
———. X. Honolulu: Communica Press, 1983.
Matsuoka, Takashi. Autumn Bridge. New York: Ban-
tam Doubleday Dell, 2004.
———. Clouds of Sparrows. New York: Bantam Dou-
bleday Dell, 2002.
McCunn, RuthAnne Lum. The Moon Pear. Boston:
Beacon Press, 2000.
———. Thousand Pieces of Gold: A Biographical
Novel. Boston: Beacon Press, 1988.
———. Wooden Fish Songs. New York: Penguin,
Meer, Ameena. Bombay Talkie. New York: High Risk
Book, 1994.
Mehta, Ved Parkash. Daddyji. New York: Farrar,
Strauss and Giroux, 1971.
———. Face to Face. Boston: Atlantic–Little, Brown,
———. The Ledge Between the Streams. New York:
Norton, 1984.
———. Mamaji. New York: Oxford University Press,
Min, Anchee. Becoming Madame Mao. New York:
Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
———. Red Azalea. New York: Pantheon, 1994.
Mirikitani, Janice. Awake in the River. San Francisco:
Isthmus Press, 1978.
———. Shedding Silence: Poetry and Prose. Berkeley,
Calif.: Celestial Arts, 1987.
———. We, the Dangerous: New and Selected Poems.
London: Virago, 1995. Reprint, Berkeley, Calif.:
Celestial Arts, 1995.
Mochizuki, Ken. Baseball Saved Us. New York: Lee
and Low, 1993.
———. Beacon Hill Boys. New York: Scholastic,
———. Heroes. New York: Lee and Low, 1995.
———. Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story. New
York: Lee and Low, 1997.
Mohanraj, Mary Anne. Bodies in Motion. New York:
HarperCollins, 2005.
Mori, Kyoko. Polite Lies: On Being A Woman Caught
Between Cultures. New York: Henry Holt, 1997.