Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

(Michael S) #1
Bibliography of Major Works by Asian-American Writers 353

Ong, Han. The Disinherited. New York: Farrar, Straus
and Giroux, 2004.
———. Fixer Chao. New York: Picador, 2001.
Otsuka, Julie. When the Emperor was Divine. New
York: Knopf, 2002.
Oyabe, Jenichiro. A Japanese Robinson Crusoe. Boston
& Chicago: Pilgrim Press, 1898.
Ozeki, Ruth. All Over Creation. New York: Viking,
———. My Year of Meats. New York: Viking, 1998.
Pak, Gary. Children of a Fireland. Honolulu: Univer-
sity of Hawaii Press, 2004.
———. A Ricepaper Airplane. Honolulu: University
of Hawaii Press, 1997.
———. The Watcher of Waipuna and Other Stories.
Honolulu: Bamboo Ridge, 1992.
Pak, Ty. Cry, Korea, Cry. New York: Woodhouse, 1999.
———. Guilt Payment. Honolulu: Bamboo Ridge,
———. Moonbay. New York: Woodhouse, 1999.
Park, Frances. Good-bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong. Illus-
trated by Yangsook Choi. Washington, D.C.: Na-
tional Geographic, 2002.
———. When My Sister Was Cleopatra Moon. New
York: Miramax, 2001.
Park, Frances, and Ginger Park. My Freedom Trip:
A Child’s Escape from North Korea. Illustrated by
Debra Reid Jenkins. Honesdale, Pa.: Boyd Mills
Press, 1998.
———. The Royal Bee. Illustrated by Christopher
Zhong-Yuan Zhang. Honesdale, Pa.: Boyd Mills
Press, 2000.
———. To Swim Across the World. New York: Hyper-
ion, 2001.
Park, Linda Sue. Archer’s Quest. New York: Clarion,
———. Bee-bim Bop. New York: Clarion, 2005.
———. The Firekeeper’s Son. New York: Clarion,
———. The Kite Fighters. New York: Clarion, 2000.
———. Mung-Mung. Watertown, Mass.: Charles-
bridge Publishing, 2004.
———. Project Mulberry. New York: Clarion, 2005.
———. Seesaw Girl. Illustrated by Jean and Mousien
Tseng. New York: Clarion, 1999.

———. A Single Shard. New York: Clarion, 2001.
———. When My Name Was Keoko. New York: Clar-
ion, 2002.
Park, No-Young. Chinaman’s Chance. 1940. 3rd & rev.
ed. Boston: Meador Publishing, 1948.
———. Making a New China. Boston: Stratford Co.,
———. An Oriental View of American Civilization.
Boston: Hale, Cushman, & Hunt, 1934.
———. Retreat of the West: The White Man’s Adven-
ture in Eastern Asia. Boston: Meador Publishing,
———. The White Man’s Peace: An Oriental View
of Our Attempts at Making World Peace. Boston:
Meador Publishing, 1948.
Phan, Aimee. We Should Never Meet. New York: St.
Martin’s, 2004.
Pittalwala, Iqbal. Dear Paramount Pictures. Dallas,
Tex.: Southern Methodist University Press, 2002.
Qiu, Xiaolong. Death of a Red Heroine. New York:
Soho Press, 2000.
———. A Loyal Character Dancer. New York: Soho
Press, 2002.
———. When Red is Black. New York: Soho Press,
Rachlin, Nahid. Foreigner. New York: Norton, 1978.
———. The Heart’s Desire. San Francisco: City Lights
Press, 1995.
———. Jumping Over Fire, San Francisco: City Lights
Press, 2006.
———. Married to a Stranger. San Francisco: City
Lights Press, 1983.
———. Veils: Short Stories. San Francisco: City Lights
Press, 1992.
Rahman, Imad. I Dream of Microwaves. New York:
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004.
Rao, Raja. The Cat and Shakespeare. New York: Mac-
millan, 1965.
———. The Chessmaster and His Moves. New Delhi:
Vision Books, 1988.
———. Comrade Kirillov. New Delhi: Orient, 1976.
———. The Cow of the Barricades, and other Stories.
Madras: Oxford University Press, 1947.
———. The Ganga Ghat. New Delhi: Vision Books,
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