Bibliography of Major Works by Asian-American Writers 357
———. Poems by Doveglion. Manila: Philippine
Writers’ League, 1941.
———. Selected Poems and New. New York: McDow-
ell, Obolensky, 1958.
———. Selected Stories of Jose Garcia Villa. Manila:
Alberto S. Florentino, 1962.
———. Volume Two. New York: New Directions,
Wang, Ping. Aching for Beauty: Footbinding in China.
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
———. American Visa. Minneapolis: Coffee House
Press, 1994.
———. Of Flesh and Spirit. Minneapolis: Coffee
House Press, 1998.
———. Foreign Devil. Minneapolis: Coffee House
Press, 1996.
———. The Magic Whip. Minneapolis: Coffee House
Press, 2003.
———. New Generation: Poems from China Today.
Brooklyn, N.Y.: Hanging Loose Press, 1999.
Watanabe, Sylvia A. Home to Stay: Asian-American
Women’s Fiction (Co-editor). Greenfield Center.
N.Y.: Greenfield Review, 1990.
———. Into the Fire: Asian-American Prose (editor).
Greenfield Center, N.Y.: Greenfield Review, 1996.
———. Talking to the Dead. New York: Doubleday,
Watkins, Yoko Kawashima. So Far from the Bamboo
Grove. New York: Puffin Books, 1986.
———. My Brother, My Sister, and I. New York: Alad-
din Paperbacks, 1996.
———. Tales from the Bamboo Grove. New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1992.
Wong, Elizabeth. China Dolls (The Imagined Life of
an American Actress). In Contemporary Plays by
Women of Color: An Anthology, edited by Kathy
A. Perkins and Robert Uno, 310–316. New York:
Routledge, 1996.
———. Kimchee and Chitlins. In But Still, Like Air,
I’ll Rise: New Asian American Plays, edited by Ve-
lina Hasu Houston, 395–450. Philadelphia: Tem-
ple University Press, 1997.
———. Letters to a Student Revolutionary. In Un-
broken Thread: An Anthology of Plays by Asian
American Women, edited by Roberto Uno, 261–
- Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press,
Wong, Jade Snow. Fifth Chinese Daughter. 1945. Se-
attle: University of Washington Press, 1989.
———. No Chinese Stranger. New York: Harper and
Row, 1975.
Wong, Nanying Stella. “From One Delta to Another.”
In Bearing Dreams, Shaping Visions: Asian Pacific
American Perspectives, Peace and Pieces: An Anthol-
ogy of Contemporary American Poetry, edited by
Linda A. Revilla, Gail M. Nomura, Shawn Wong,
and Shirley Hune, 127–128. Pullman: Washington
State University Press, 1993.
Wong, Nellie. Dreams in Harrison Railroad Park. San
Francisco: Kelsey St. Press, 1977.
———. Death of Long Steam Lady. Los Angeles: West
End Press. 1986.
———. Stolen Moments. A Crimson Edge Chapbook.
Goshen, Conn.: Chicory Blue Press, 1997.
Wong, Rita. Monkeypuzzle. Vancouver, B.C.: Press
Gang, 1998.
Wong, Shawn. American Knees. New York: I. Reed
Books, 1979.
———. Homebase. New York: Simon and Schuster,
———. Yardbird Reader (Co-editor). Berkeley, Calif.:
Yardbird Publishing Cooperative, 1975.
Wong, Shawn, ed. Asian American Literature: A Brief
Introduction and Anthology. New York: Harper-
Collins, 1996.
Wong, Shawn, et al., eds. Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of
Chinese American and Japanese American Litera-
ture. New York: Meridian, 1991.
———. The Big Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Chinese
American and Japanese American Literature. New
York: Penguin, 1991.
Woo, Merle. “Letter to Ma.” In This Bridge Called My
Back. 2nd ed., edited by Cherrie Moraga and Glo-
ria Anzaldua, 13–23. Latham, N.Y.: Kitchen Table/
Women of Color Press, 1986.
———. Yellow Woman Speaks: Selected Poems. Seat-
tle: Radical Women Publications, 1986 and 2003.
Yamada, Mitsuye (May). Camp Notes. San Lorenzo,
Calif.: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.
———. Desert Run. Latham, N.Y.: Kitchen Table/
Women of Color Press, 1988.