Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

(Michael S) #1
Index 365

Baseball Saved Us (Mochizuki)
“Bath, The” (Yamashita) 330
Bayoumi, Moustafa vi–vii
Beacon Hill Boys (Mochizuki) 197
Beautiful Country, A (Yew) 337
Beautiful Empire, The (Ghose) 92
Becoming Madame Moo (Min)
Bee-bim Bop (Park) 239
Before the War: Poems as They
Happened (Inada) 124
Bemis, Polly 284
Best Bad Thing, The (Uchida) 298
Best Older Sister, The (Choi) 47
Between Silences: A Voice from
China (Jin) 138
Beyond the Cayenne Wall (Abdul-
lah) 4–5
Bhabha, Homi 8
Big Aiiieeeee, The!: An Anthology of
Asian-American Literature (Chan,
Chin, Inada, and Wong) viii, 35,
41, 42, 322
Big Head (Uyehara) 301–302
Birkerts, Sven 48
“Birthmates” (Jen) 136, 314
“Bishop’s Wife, The” (Watanabe)
Bitter Gourd and Other Stories
(Abbasi) 3–4
Black Candle (Divakaruni) 63
Black Lotus (Rowland) 255
Blaise, Clark 202
Blood Rights (Hazo) 103
Blue in the Seed (Kim) 151–152
“Blues on Yellow” (Chin) 43
Blu’s Hanging (Yamanaka) 24–25,
328, 329
“bodies between us, the” (lê) 159
Bodies in Motion (Mohanraj) 197
Body of Correspondence (film) 234
Bombay Talkie (Meer) 189
“Bombay Talkies” (Pittalwala) 245
Bombay Time (Umrigar) 298–299
Bondage (Hwang) 120
Bone (Ng) 213
Bonesetter’s Daughter, The (Tan)
25–26, 281, 282
Book of My Nights (Lee) 166
Book of Salt, The (Truong) 289

Born Palestinian, Born Black
(Hammad) 100
Borrowed Love Poems (Yau) 333
Bostonians, The (film) 137
“Bottle of Beaujolais” (Louie) 237
“Bound” (Phan) 242
Bounty, The (Kim) 148
Boy (Son) 269–270
Boys Will Be Boys (Suleri Good-
year) 274
Brainard, Cecilia Manguerra vi,
When the Rainbow Goddess
We p t 26, 27, 312–313
Brazil 27–28, 285, 329–330
Brazil-Maru (Yamashita) 27–28,
“Breaking Silence” (Mirikitani)
Breaking the Tongue (Loh) 174
Brick Lane Road (Ali) 10
Bridegroom, The (Jin) 28–29, 139
Bride’s Kimono, The (Massey) 183
Bridge, The (Sidhwa) 268
Broca, Lilian 155
Broken Arrow (Rosca) 254
“brooklyn” (Hammad) 100
“Brown House, The” (Yamamoto)
Buck, Pearl 145
Buddha Baby (Keltner) 146, 147
Buddha Bandits Down Highway
9, The (Hongo, Lau, and Inada)
109, 124
Bulosan, Carlos iv, vii, 29–30
America Is in the Heart 14–16,
Bundori (Rowland) 255
Burma (Myanmar) 262
Burning Heart (Hagedorn and
Roth) 98
Burton, Antoinette 18

Cab Called Reliable, A (Kim) 148
Calling for Aphrodite (Houston)
Call Me Ishmael Tonight (Ali) 9
Cambodia 105, 107, 211, 214, 224,
225, 299, 300

“Camp Memories” (Suyemoto)
Camp Notes (Yamada) 326–327
Cao, Lan 31–32, 108
Carbò, Nick 32
Cargill, Mary 117
Carpenter, Frances 239
Castle and Outcast (Mukerji) 201
Cat and Shakespeare, The (Rao)
Cebu (Bacho) 22
Celebrate Me Home (Narita) 211
Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung 32–34
Chai, May-lee 34–35
Chai, Winberg 34
Chan, Jeffery Paul v, 35, 41, 124
Chang, Diana 35–37
The Frontiers of Love 35, 84
Chang, Juliana 275
Chang, Lan Samantha 37
Hunger: A Novella and Short
Stories 37, 116–117
Chang, Leonard 37–38
“Change, The” (Pittalwala) 244
“Change of Lights, A” (Pittalwala)
Chao, Patricia 38–39
Charlie Chan Is Dead: An Anthol-
ogy of Contemporary Asian Amer-
ican Fiction (Hagedorn) viii, 98,
178, 259
“Charming” (Nigam) 215
Char Siu Bao Boy (Yamate) 330,
Chasing Hepburn: A Memoir of
Shanghai, Hollywood, and a Chi-
nese Family’s Fight for Freedom
(Lee) 164
Cheng, Terrence 39–40
Chessmaster and his Moves, The
(Rao) 251
Cheung, King-Kok 237
Chickencoop Chinaman, The
(Chin) 40, 41
Child of the Owl (Yep) 40–41,
Child of War, Woman of Peace
(Hayslip) 102–103
Children of a Fireland (Pak)
“Chin” (Jen) 314
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