Index 367
Coming Through Slaughter
(Ondaatje) 229
“comma poems” 304
Commons (Kim) 148
Comrade Kirillov (Rao) 251
Concubine’s Children, The (Chong)
49, 54–55
Concubine’s Tattoo, The (Rowland)
Conell, Evan S., Jr. 137
“Continents of Exile” (Mehta) 190
Corpse and Mirror (Yau) 333
Council of Interracial Books for
Children 107
Country of Dreams and Dust, The
(Leong) 168–169
Country of Origin (Lee) 162, 163
Country without a Post Office, The
(Ali) 9
Cracking India (Sidhwa) 268
Crazed, The (Jin) 55–56, 128, 139
Crescent (Abu-Jaber) 5
Cronenberg, David 186–187
Crossing the Peninsula and Other
Poems (Lim) 170
Crossing Three Wildernesses (Oeur)
Crossing with the Light (Okita)
Crow Eaters, The (Sidhwa) 268
Cruelty (Ai) 7
“Cruising 99” (Hongo) 109, 110
Cry Korea Cry (Pak) 237
cultural conflict. See also assimila-
Abbasi (Talat) on 4
Abdullah (Shaila) on 5
Abu-Jaber (Diana) on 19–20
Adachi (Jiro) on 6
Alexander (Meena) on 8, 76
Barroga (Jeannie) on 24
Cao (Lan) on 31–32
Chai (May-lee) on 34
Chiu (Christina) on 46
Choi (Sook Nyul) on 90, 91
Daswani (Kavita) on 83, 305
Divakaruni (Chitra Banerjee)
on 20–21, 64
Ganesan (Indira) on 141
Hagedorn (Jessica Tarahata)
on 98
Hwang (David Henry) on
Jen (Gish) on 135, 136, 295,
Jin (Ha) on 28–29
Kang (Younghill) on 67, 95
Kirchner (Bharti) on 57
Lahiri (Jhumpa) on 127, 158
Lee (Helie) on 165
Lim (Shirley Geok-lin) on 171
Louie (David Wong) on 23
Mori (Kyoko) on 199
Mukherjee (Bharati) on 134,
190, 191
Na (An) on 207
Ng (Fae Myenne) on 213
Nieh (Hualing) on 215
Nigam (Sanjay) on 215–216
Nye (Naomi Shihab) on 97
Rachlin (Nahid) on 104–105
Saiki (Patsy Sumie) on 257
Sakamoto (Edward) on 259
Santos (Bienvenido N.) on
Tan (Amy) on 115–116,
Wang (Ping) on 309
Yamamoto (Hisaye) on 266
Yamanaka (Lois-Ann) on
Yoo (David) on 339
Cultural Revolution (China) 28,
55, 127, 138, 139, 175, 191, 192,
247, 248, 309
Curriculum Vitae (Joseph) 140
Daddyji (Mehta) 190
“daddy’s song” (Hammad) 100
Dainty Monsters, The (Ondaatje)
Dance and the Railroad, The
(Hwang) 119
“Dance Instructions for a Young
Girl” (Hahn) 99
Dancing Kettle and Other Japanese
Folk Tales, The (Uchida) 297
Dangerous Music (Hagedorn) 98
“Danny’s Girl” (Mukherjee) 191
Darjeeling (Kirchner) 57, 153
Dark Blue Suit and Other Stories
(Bacho) 22, 57–58
Darkness (Mukherjee) 202
Dasenbrock, Reed Way 92
Daswani, Kavita 58–59
For Matrimonial Purposes 58,
59, 82–83, 304
The Village Bride of Beverly
Hills 58–59, 304–305
“Daughter of the Narikin, The”
(Sugimoto) 272
“Daughter of the Nohfu, A” (Sugi-
moto) 272
Daughter of the Samurai, A (Sugi-
moto) 59–60, 271–272
Dawesar, Abha 60–61
“Day in Little Tokyo, A” (Yama-
moto) 266
Days and Nights in Calcutta
(Mukherjee and Blaise) 202
Dear Paramount Pictures (Pittal-
wala) 244–245
Death in Little Tokyo: A Ken
Tanaka Mystery (Furutani) 86
Death of a Red Heroine (Qiu)
61–62, 247
Death of Long Steam Lady (Wong)
“Death Rides the Rails to Poston”
(Yamamoto) 327
“Deepak Misra’s Secretary” (Upad-
hyay) 300
Delinquent Chacha (Mehta) 190
Depth Takes a Holiday: Essays from
Lesser Los Angeles (Loh) 62–63,
Derrickson, Teresa 18
Desani, G. V. 63, 251
All about H. Hatterr 10–11, 63
Desert Exile (Uchida) 298
Desert Run (Yamada) 327
Desirable Daughters (Mukherjee)
Destination Chungking (Han
Suyin) 101
Dexter, John 185
Dictée (Cha) 33–34
Different World, A (Ghose) 92
Dim Sum of All Things, The (Kelt-
ner) 146–147
Disinherited, The (Ong) 231