Japanese Militarism: Its Cause and
Cure (Maki) 181
Japanese Nightingale, A (Eaton)
68, 69, 132–133
Japanese Robinson Crusoe, A
(Oyabe) 234
Jarman, Mark 305
Jar of Dreams, A (Uchida) 133–
134, 298
Jasmine (Mukherjee) 134–135,
Jefferson in Paris (Jhabvala)
Jen, Gish vii, 135–136
The Love Wife 136, 177–178
Mona in the Promised Land
136, 198, 314
Typical American 135, 198,
295–296, 314
Who’s Irish? 136, 313–314
“Jerusalem” (Nye) 217
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer iv, 136–138
Jin, Ha iv, 39, 138–139
The Bridegroom 28–29, 139
The Crazed 55–56, 128, 139
In the Pond 127–128, 139
Waiting 128, 139, 308
War Trash 139, 309–310
JMS: At Home in the World (Sison)
Joh, Laura. See Rowland, Laura Joh
Johns, Jasper 332, 333
Johnson, Diane 137
Jones, Kayle 137
Jordan, June 100
Joseph, Lawrence 139–141
Joss and Gold (Lim) 171
Journey, The (Ganesan) 88, 141
Journey to Topaz (Uchida) 298
Joyce, James 10, 96
Joy Luck Club, The (Tan) vii, 141–
142, 231, 232, 281, 282
Jumping over Fire (Rachlin) 250
“Just Wait” (Jen) 314
Kadohata, Cynthia 143–144
Kakutani, Michiko 233
Kanaganayakam, Chelva 92
Kaneko, Lonny 144
Kang, Younghill vii, 144–145
East Goes West: The Making of
an Oriental Yankee 67–68,
The Grass Roof 67, 94–95, 145
Kanthapura (Rao) 251
Kashmir 9
Katherine (Min) 192
Kawakami, Toyo Suyemoto. See
Suyemoto, Toyo
Kawashima, Yoko. See Watkins,
Yoko Kawashima
Keller, Nora Okja 145–146
Comfort Woman 53–54, 83, 146
Fox Girl 83–84, 146
Keltner, Kim Wong 146–147
Kennedy, Edward 165
Khmer Rouge regime 105, 107,
214, 224, 299, 300. See also Cam-
Killing Fields, The (film) 214
Killing Floor (Ai) 7
Kilty, Keith 275
Kim (Kipling) 77
Kim, Elaine H. v, viii, 77, 237
Kim, Elizabeth 287
Kim, Myung Mi 147–148
Kim, Patti 148
Kim, Richard E. vii, 149
The Innocent 125–126, 149,
Lost Names: Scenes from a Ko-
rean Boyhood 149, 175–176
The Martyred 125, 149, 176,
Kim, Ronyoung 149–150
Kim, Suki 150–151
Kim, Yong Ik 151–152
Kimchee and Chitlins (Wong) 317
Kingston, Maxine Hong viii, 42,
108, 135, 136, 146, 152–153, 161
China Men vii, 44–45, 78, 152,
153, 316
The Fifth Book of Peace 78–79,
Tripmaster Monkey 78, 153,
The Woman Warrior vii, 44, 45,
78, 80, 152–153, 171, 188, 255,
Kipling, Rudyard 77, 95, 274
Kira-Kira (Kadohata) 144
Kirchner, Bharti 153–154
Darjeeling 57, 153
Pastries 153, 241
Kitchen God’s Wife, The (Tan)
154–155, 281, 282
Kite Fighters, The (Park) 239
Kite Runner, The (Hosseini)
Kiyoshi and the Magic Futon
(Houston) 115
Kogawa, Joy iv, 155, 259
Itsuka 129–130
Obasan 129, 130, 155, 223–
224, 270
Kokoro (Houston) 114–115
Korea. See also North Korea; South
Choi (Sook Nyul) on 47, 70,
Hyun (Peter) on 121
Jaisohn (Philip) on 131
Kang (Younghill) on 94–95,
Keller (Nora Okja) on 53–54,
Kim (Richard E.) on 149, 176
Kim (Yong Ik) on 151
Lee (Chang-rae) on 91
Lee (Gus) on 164
Park (Linda Sue) on 239
Watkins (Yoko Kawashima)
on 311
Yun (Mia) on 340
Korean Americans
Chang (Leonard) on 37–38, 38
Choi (Sook Nyul) on 47
Choi (Susan) on 47–48
Hwang (Caroline) on 118
Hyun (Peter) on 121
Kang (Younghill) on 67
Kim (Patti) on 148
Kim (Ronyoung) on 150
Kim (Suki) on 151
Lee (Chang-rae) on 160, 161,
Lee (Helie) on 165
Lee (Marie G.) on 79, 167,
212–213, 263, 268–269
Na (An) on 207–208, 307–308
Pak (Ty) on 237
Index 373