376 Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature
My Life in China and America
(Yung) 341
Nisei Daughter (Sone) 270
No Chinese Stranger (Wong)
On Gold Mountain: The One
Hundred Year Odyssey of My
Chinese-American Family
(See) 264
Paper Bullets: A Fictional Auto-
biography (Fulbeck) 85
Persian Girls (Rachlin) 250
Quiet Odyssey (Lee) 168
Red Azalea (Min) 191, 192
The Rice Room: From Number
Two Son to Rock and Roll
(Fong-Torres) 81
Runaway, Diary of a Street Kid
(Lau) 159
San Sheng San Shi (Nieh) 214
So Far from the Bamboo Grove
(Watkins) 311
Solitaire (Liu) 171–172
South Wind Changing (Huy `nh
Ngo.c) 117
Still Life With Rice (Lee) 165
To the Stars (Takei) 279
Turning Japanese: Memoirs of a
Sansei (Mura) 204
Volcano: A Memoir of Hawai’i
(Hongo) 110, 305–306
When Broken Glass Floats:
Growing up under the Khmer
Rouge (Him) 105
When Heaven and Earth
Changed Places (Hayslip)
Where the Body Meets Memory:
An Odyssey of Race, Sexuality
& Identity (Mura) 204
The Winged Seed: A Remem-
brance (Lee) 166
Memories of My Ghost Brother
(Fenkl) 77
“Memory Palate” (Wong) 321–
Men & Other Strange Myths: Poems
and Art (Tham) 283
Merchant, Ismail 137
Mermaid Meat (Aoki) 19
Middle Finger (Ong) 230
Middle Heart (Lord) 175
Middleman and Other Stories, The
(Mukherjee) 134, 190–191, 202
Mifune and Me (Nishikawa) 217
“mike check” (Hammad) 100
Miller, Hiram 234
Miller, Joaquin 218
Min, Anchee 191–192
Minghella, Anthony 70
Miniplanner (Dawesar) 60–61
Mirikitani, Janice 43, 192–194
“Mir-i-Nisa” (Villa) 304
Mirrorwork (Desani) 10
“Miss Lien” (Phan) 242
Miss Numé of Japan: A Japanese-
American Romance (Eaton) 68,
Mistress of Spices, The (Divaka-
runi) 64, 195–196
“Miyo and Cat” (Okubo) 227
Mochizuki, Ken 196–197
Mohanraj, Mary Anne 197–198
Mona in the Promised Land (Jen)
136, 198, 314
Monk, Meredith 49, 50
“Monkey and Crab” (Watkins)
Monkey Bridge (Cao) 31–32
Monkey King, The (Chao) 38–39
Monkeypuzzle (Wong) 321–322
Montreal Daily Star 74
“Moon Baby” (Tyau) 294
Moonbay (Pak) 237
Moon Lady, The (Tan) 282
Moon Pearl, The (McCunn) 187,
188, 198–199
Mori, Kyoko 199–200
Mori, Toshio 124, 200–201
Yokohama, California 200,
Morley, Christopher 272
“Morning Rain” (Yamamoto)
“Mortal Remains” (Hahn) 99
Mosquito and Ant (Hahn) 99
Moss-Coane, Marty 72
Mother India (Mayo) 201
“Motherland” (Phan) 242
mothers. See also fathers
Abbasi (Talat) on 4
Cao (Lan) on 31–32
Chin (Marilyn Mei Ling) on
Choi (Sook Nyul) on 334–335
Chong (Denise) on 54–55
Divakaruni (Chitra Banerjee)
on 21, 195–196
Ganesan (Indira) on 125
Hagedorn (Jessica Tarahata)
on 89
Keller (Nora Okja) on 53, 54
Kingston (Maxine Hong) on
315, 316
Kogawa (Joy) on 223
Louie (David Wong) on 237
Mirikitani (Janice) on 193
Mori (Kyoko) on 199
Na (An) on 207, 307–308
Ng (Fae Myenne) on 213
Okita (Dwight) on 226
Park (Frances) on 312
Rachlin (Nahid) on 82, 249
Ryan (Teresa LeYung) on 256
Song (Cathy) on 243
Tan (Amy) on 25–26, 141–142,
154, 231–232, 281, 282
Tyau (Kathleen) on 294
Uyemoto (Holly) on 302
Wang (Ping) on 309
Watanabe (Sylvia) on 311
Yamamoto (Hisaye) on 265,
Yamanaka (Lois-Ann) on 24,
25, 329
Yun (Mia) on 340
“Mother Tongue” (Keller) 146
“Movers, The” (Louie) 237
Moyers, Bill 110, 135
Mr. & Mrs. Bridge (film) 137
“Mrs. Sen’s” (Lahiri) 127
Mrs. Spring Fragrance (Far) 75
Mukerji, Dhan Gopal 201, 239
Mukherjee, Bharati vi, viii,
Jasmine 134–135, 202
The Middleman and Other Sto-
ries 134, 190–191, 202
Mulberry and Peach: Two Women
of China (Nieh) 215
multiracial identity
Aoki (Brenda Wong) on 248
Chang (Diana) on 84