Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

(Michael S) #1

380 Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

“Ramadan” (Pittalwala) 245
Random Acts of Kindness (Aoki)
Rao, Raja 251
R.A.W. (‘Cause I’m a Woman)
(Son) 269
“Reading and Writing” (Yama-
moto) 266
Reading of an Ever-Changing Tale,
The (Yau) 333
“Real Life, Actual Life” (Rahman)
Rebel without a Clue (Uyemoto)
“Recipe” (Mirikitani) 193
Red (Yew) 337
Red Azalea (Min) 191, 192
Red Chrysanthemum, The (Row-
land) 255
“Red Fiery Summer” (lê) 159
Red Letter, The (Mehta) 190
“Red Paper” (Tyau) 294
Redshifting Web, The: Poems
1970—1998 (Sze) 276, 277
Refuge in London (Jhabvala) 138
Hwang (David Henry) on
72–73, 93–94, 119, 120
Hyun (Peter) on 121
Kim (Richard E.) on 181–182
McCunn (Ruthanne Lum) on
Oyabe (Jenichiro) on 234
Tan (Amy) on 262
Re-Orientalism (Hammad) 100–
“Resistance: A Poem on Ikat
Cloth” (Hahn) 99
Restless Wave (Ishigaki) 128–129
Returning a Borrowed Tongue
(Carbò) 32
Rexroth, Kenneth 36
Rhapsody in Plain Yellow (Chin)
Rhetoric of English India, The (Sul-
eri Goodyear) 274
Ricepaper Airplane, A (Pak) 236
Rice Room, The: From Number Two
Son to Rock and Roll (Fong-Tor-
res) 81
Rice without Rain (Ho) 107

Richard Speck (Okita) 226–227
Rich Relations (Hwang) 119
Rising from Your Book (Carbò) 32
Rita’s Resources (Barroga) 24
River of Heaven, The (Hongo) 110
Rizzuto, Rahna Reiko 251–252
Rno, Sung 252–253
Roaring Girlie, The (Tuan) 292
Robinson, Katy 287
Roethke, Theodore 144
Rolling Stone (Fong-Torres) 81
Rooms Are Never Finished (Ali) 9
Room with a View, A (film) 137
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 29, 123
Roosevelt, Theodore 341
Rosca, Ninotchka 253–254
Rose (Lee) 166
Roseland (Jhabvala) 137
Roth, Marisa 98
Rowland, Laura Joh 254–255
Royal Bee, The (Park and Park)
Royal Ghosts (Upadhyay) 300, 301
Runaway, Diary of a Street Kid
(Lau) 159
Running in the Family (Ondaatje)
Ruppel, F. Timothy 134–135
Rushdie, Salman 10, 63, 264, 272,
Ryan, Teresa LeYung 255–256

Sachie: A Daughter of Hawaii
(Saiki) 257–258
Sacred Vows (Oeur) 225
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat
(Tan) 282
Saiki, Patsy Sumie 257–259
Sakamoto, Edward 259
Sakamoto, Kerri 259–260
One Hundred Million Hearts
229–230, 260
Salad Bowl Dance, The (Okita) 226
Salaryman’s Wife, The (Massey)
Samurai of Gold Hill (Uchida)
260–261, 298
Samurai’s Daughter, The (Massey)

Samurai’s Garden, The (Tsuki-
yama) 291
Samurai’s Wife, The (Rowland)
“San” (Chang) 117
Sanbo, Amy 144
“Sand Nigger” (Joseph) 140
San Francisco: What a Long,
Strange Trip It’s Been (radio spe-
cial) 81
“San Francisco—Saigon” (Wong)
San Juan, Epifanio, Jr. 15, 30
San Sheng San Shi (Nieh) 214
Santos, Bienvenido N. 261–262
Sant-Wade, Arvindra 202–203
Sato, Gayle K. 338
Saturday Night at the Pahala The-
ater (Yamanaka) 328, 329
Saving Fish from Drowning (Tan)
262–263, 282
Saying Goodbye (Lee) 167, 263
“Saying Yes” (Chang) 36
Scent of Apples (Santos) 261–262
School Figure (Song) 271
“School of Johns, The” (Yau) 332
Scissors (Yew) 337
“Second Nature” (Chang) 36
Secret Asian Man (Carbò) 32
“Secrets” (Worra) 325
Secular Love (Ondaatje) 228
See, Lisa Lenine 263–264
Seesaw Girl (Park) 239
Serpent and the Rope, The (Rao)
Seth, Vikram 264–265
A Suitable Boy 265, 272–274
17 Reasons Why! (Iizuka) 123
Seventeen Syllables and Other Sto-
ries (Yamamoto) 265–267, 328
Shards of Memory (Jhabvala) 138
Sharmila’s Book (Kirchner) 153
Shedding Silence: Poetry and Prose
(Mirikitani) 193
Shen Ts’ung-wen (Nieh) 214
Shinju (Rowland) 255
Shiva Dancing (Kirchner) 153
Shock of Arrival, The (Alexander)
8, 267
Short Stories (Villa) 304
Shouting At No One (Joseph) 140
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