Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

(Michael S) #1

“Shoyu Kid, The” (Kaneko) 144
Sidhwa, Bapsi 267–268, 298
Silent Children (Sze) 277
Silk Dragon, The: Translations from
the Chinese (Sze) 276
Singapore 174
Single Shard, A (Park) 239
Single Square Picture, A (Robin-
son) 287
Sing to the Dawn (Ho) 107
Sison, Jose Maria 254
Sister of My Heart (Divakaruni) 64
Sisters Matsumoto (Gotanda) 94
Skin (Iizuka) 122
“Skin with Fire Inside” (Alexan-
der) 267
“Slant-Eyed Americans” (Mori)
Sleepless Night of Eugene Delacroix
(Yau) 332–333
Small Obligation and Other Stories
in Hilo, A (Nunes) 220, 221
Smedley, Agnes 129
Smiley, Jane 206
Snake Charmer, The (Nigam) 215
Soelistyo, Julyana 93
So Far from the Bamboo Grove
(Watkins) 311
Solberg, S. E. 75
Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries, A
(film) 137
Solitaire (Liu) 171–172
Solos (Hazo) 104
Some Asians (Tuan) 292
Somebody’s Daughter (Lee) 167,
Sometimes: Poems (Yau) 333
Son, Diana 269–270
Sone, Monica 75, 270–271
Song, Cathy vii, 271
Picture Bride 243, 271
“Song for a Barbarian Reed Pipe,
A” (Kingston) 316
Song of a Nisei Fisherman, A (Got-
anda) 94
“Song of Farewell” (Wong) 321
Song of Lilith, A (Kogawa) 155
Songs My Mother Taught Me (Yam-
auchi) 110
Son of Mother India Answers, A
(Mukerji) 201

Sons of Heaven (Cheng) 39–40
Sound of a Voice, The (Hwang)
South Korea 77, 83, 125–126, 149,
181–182, 340
South Wind Changing
(Huy&ngrave;h) 117
Space between Us, The (Umrigar)
298, 299
“Spirit Catches You, and You Get
Bodyslammed, The” (Worra)
Spring Moon (Lord) 175
Spring Pearl, the Last Flower (Yep)
Sri Lanka 18, 197, 229
Stanton, Joseph 178
Star Trek (television series) 279,
State of War (Rosca) 253
“Stepchild” (Hongo) 110
Step from Heaven, A (Na) 207–208
Stevens, Wallace 140
Stew Rice (Sakamoto) 259
Still Life with Rice (Lee) 165
Stoddard, Charles Warren 218
Stolen Moments (Wong) 320
Stone, Oliver 102, 103
Stone Field, True Arrow (Mori) 199
Stone Goddess, The (Ho) 107
Stop Kiss (Son) 269, 270
“Stop Me If I’ve Told You” (Jo-
seph) 140
Stories Waiting to Be Told (Narita)
Storytellers, Saints and Scroun-
drels: Folk Narratives in Hindu
Religious Teaching (Narayan)
Strawberry Fields, The (film) 260
Sugano, Douglas 330
Sugar Plum Fairy (Loh) 173
Sugimoto, Etsu 271–272
A Daughter of the Samurai
59–60, 271–272
Sui Sin Far. See Far, Sui Sin
Suitable Boy, A (Seth) 265, 272–
Suleri Goodyear, Sara 274–275
Summer of the Big Bachi (Hira-
hara) 106

Sun: Short Stories and Drama
(Lum) 178
Sunny-San (Eaton) 68, 133
“Surely I Must Be Dreaming”
(Yamamoto) 327
Suyemoto, Toyo 275
Sweet Jesus: Poems about the Ulti-
mate Icon (Carbò and Duhamel)
“Syntax” (Wang) 309
Sze, Arthur 275–277
Sze, Mai-Mai 277–278

Tabios, Eileen 32
Taiping Rebellion (China) 116
Taiwan 169, 310
Tajiri, Rea 260
Takei, George 279–280
Tales from the Bamboo Grove (Wat-
kins) 312
Tales of a Korean Grandmother
(Carpenter) 239
Talking to the Dead (Watanabe)
Talk-Story (Barroga) 24
Talmadge, Victor 217
Tama (Eaton) 68
Tamagawa Eldridge, Kathleen
Tan, Amy viii, 42, 136, 161,
The Bonesetter’s Daughter 25–
26, 281, 282
The Hundred Secret Senses
115–116, 262, 281, 282
The Joy Luck Club vii, 141–142,
231, 232, 281, 282
The Kitchen God’s Wife 154–
155, 281, 282
The Opposite of Fate 231–232,
Saving Fish from Drowning
262–263, 282
Tao of Mrs. Wei, The (Tham) 283
Tao of Painting, The (Sze) 277
Taste of Kona Coffee, The (Saka-
moto) 259
Tattoo Girl (Iizuka) 122
Te a (Houston) 114

Index 381
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