Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

(Michael S) #1

382 Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

Ten Thousand Sorrows (Kim) 287
Thailand 107
Tham, Hilary 282–284
That Summer in Paris (Dawesan)
60, 61
They Call me Moses Masaoka (Ho-
sokawa) 111
36 Views (Iizuka) 122
This Fierce Geography (Kuo) 156
1,000 Airplanes on the Roof (Glass
and Hwang) 118
Thousand Pieces of Gold (McCunn)
188, 284–285
Thousand Pieces of Gold, A: A
Memoir of China’s Past through
Its Proverbs (Mah) 180
“Threads” (Leong) 169
Three Continents (Jhabvala) 138
Three of Us, The (Dawesar). See
Miniplanner (Dawesar)
Through the Arc of the Rain Forest
(Yamashita) 285–286, 329
Through the Torii (Noguchi) 219
Tiananmen Square Massacre
(1989) 28, 39–40, 55, 138, 156,
172, 175, 317
Tiger’s Daughter, The (Mukherjee)
Tiger’s Tail (Lee) 163, 164
Tin Mines and Concubines (Tham)
To Be the Poet (Kingston) 153
To Find the Way (Nunes) 220
“Tomorrow Is Coming, Children”
(Mori) 338
Torn Shapes of Desire (Mohanraj)
To Swim across the World (Park
and Park) 238, 286
To the Stars (Takei) 279
Touching Detonations (Worra) 325
Toyotomi Blades, The (Furutani) 86
Translation of Beauty (Yun) 340
Transplanted Man (Nigam) 215
Travelers (Jhabvala) 138
Tree Bride (Mukherjee) 203
Trenka, Jane Jeong 286–287
Triple Mirror of the Self, The
(Ghose) 92
Tripmaster Monkey (Kingston) 78,
153, 287–288

Tropic of Orange (Yamashita)
288–289, 329
Troublemaker and Other Saints
(Chiu) 45, 46
Truong, Monique 289
Trying to Find Chinatown (Hwang)
Tsiang, H. T. 289–291
Tsukiyama, Gail 291
Tuan, Alice 291–293
Tuk-Tuk Diaries, The: My Dinner
With Clusterbombs (Worra) 325
Turning Japanese: Memoirs of a
Sansei (Mura) 204, 293
“Turtle Soup” (Chin) 43
“Tuscano” (Yamashita) 330
Twice Blessed (Rosca) 253
Two Dreams (Lim) 171
Two Lives (Seth) 265
Tyau, Kathleen 293–295
Typhoon Lover, The (Massey) 182,
Typical American (Jen) 135, 198,
295–296, 314

Uchida, Yoshiko 297–298
A Jar of Dreams 133–134, 298
Picture Bride 243–244, 298
Samurai of Gold Hill 260–261,
Umrigar, Thrity 298–299
Unbearable Heart, The (Hahn) 99
Unbound Feet (writing collective)
320, 323
Uncle Gunjiro’s Girlfriend (Aoki)
Under Flag (Kim) 147–148
“Underground Lady” (Yamamoto)
Underkill (Chang) 38
Under the Red Flag (Jin) 139
Under Western Eyes (Hongo) 110
Undesirable Elements (Chong) 50
“Unforgetting, The” (Chang) 117
Ung, Loung 105, 299–300
Unknown Errors of Our Lives, The
(Divakaruni) 64
Until I’m Not Here Anymore
(Hazo) 104

Upadhyay, Samrat 300–301
Uyehara, Denise 301–302
Uyemoto, Holly 302–303

Cao (Lan) on 31–32
Hayslip (Phung Thi Le Ly) on
Huy `nh (Jade Ngo.c Quang) on
Narita (Jude) on 211
Phan (Aimee) on 241, 242
Truong (Monique) on 289
Vietnamese Americans
Lam (Andrew Quang) on 159
lê (thi diem thúy) on 90
Phan (Aimee) on 241–242
“View from the Edge of the World”
(Sakamoto) 259
Villa, José García 304
Village Bride of Beverly Hills, The
(Daswani) 58–59, 304–305
Villa Magdalena (Santos) 261
Vine of Desire, The (Divakaruni)
violence. See also domestic abuse
Ai on 7
Aoki (Brenda Wong) on 248
Brainard (Cecilia Manguerra)
on 312–313
Bulosan (Carlos) on 14
Hammad (Suheir) on 100
Ho (Minfong) on 107
Hosseini (Khaled) on 112
Hwang (David Henry) on 93
Jin (Ha) on 310
Keller (Nora Okja) on 53–54,
Kim (Richard E.) on 126,
Kim (Suki) on 151
Kingston (Maxine Hong) on
78, 79
Kogawa (Joy) on 223
Lee (Marie G.) on 79, 213, 263
Lord (Bette Bao) on 175
Matsuoka (Takashi) on 185
Mirikitani (Janice) on 192, 193
Narita (Jude) on 210
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