Encyclopedia of Asian-American Literature

(Michael S) #1

Nye (Naomi Shihab) on 97,
216, 217
Okita (Dwight) on 226
Ondaatje (Michael) on 18,
Park (Frances) and Park (Gin-
ger) on 286
Phan (Aimee) on 242
Rno (Sung) on 253
Rowland (Laura Joh) on
Saiki (Patsy Sumie) on 257–
Sidhwa (Bapsi) on 268
Tan (Amy) on 262
Truong (Monique) on 289
Yamanaka (Lois-Ann) on 329
Yew (Chay) on 337
“Visitors” (Phan) 242
Voices of Vietnamese Boat People:
Nineteen Narratives of Escape and
Survival (Huy `nh and Cargill)
Volcano: A Memoir of Hawai’i
(Hongo) 110, 305–306
Volcano, The (Santos) 261
Voyage, The (Hwang) 118

Wait for Me (Na) 208, 307–308
Waiting (Jin) 128, 139, 308
Waiting for Tadashi (Houston)
Wakatsuki, Jeanne. See Houston,
Jeanne Wakatsuki
“Walk-In Closet” (Sakamoto)
Walk the Mountain (Narita) 211
Walls (Barroga) 24
Wang, Ping 308–309
War Brides Act of 1945 50
Warhol, Andy 332, 333
Warner, Roger 214
War of the Worlds (Iizuka) 122
War Trash (Jin) 139, 309–310
Wash, The (Gotanda) 94
Waste Land (Eliot) 99
Watanabe, Sylvia 310–311
Watanna, Onoto. See Eaton, Win-

Watcher of Waipuna and Other Sto-
ries (Pak) 236
Watching the Tree: A Chinese
Daughter Reflects on Happiness,
Tradition, and Spiritual Wisdom
(Mah) 180
“Water Faucet Vision, The” (Jen)
“Water Names” (Chang) 116
Watkins, Yoko Kawashima 311–
wAwe (Rno) 252, 253
Way of the Traitor, The (Rowland)
We , the Dangerous: New and Se-
lected Poems (Mirikitani) 193
“Wedding Shoes, The” (Kim) 151
“We Koreans Need an Al Sharp-
ton” (Lee) 167
Welles, Orson 122
We Should Never Meet (Phan)
When Broken Glass Floats: Growing
up under the Khmer Rouge (Him)
When Heaven and Earth Changed
Places (Hayslip) 102–103
“When Mr. Pirzada Came to Din-
ner” (Lahiri) 127
When My Name Was Keoko (Park)
When My Sister Was Cleopatra
Moon (Park) 239, 312
When Red Is Black (Qiu) 248
When the Elephants Dance (Hol-
the) 107–108
When the Emperor Was Divine (Ot-
suka) 232–233
When the Rainbow Goddess Wept
(Brainard) 26, 27, 312–313
Where the Body Meets Memory:
An Odyssey of Race, Sexuality &
Identity (Mura) 204
White Dust from Mongolia (film)
White Man’s Peace, The: An Orien-
tal View of Our Attempts at Mak-
ing World Peace (Park) 240
White-Parks, Annette 75
“Who Among You Knows the Es-
sence of Garlic?” (Hongo) 110

Who’s Irish? (Jen) 136, 313–314
Why She Left Us (Rizzuto) 252
Wife (Mukherjee) 202
“Wife’s Story, A” (Mukherjee)
Wild Ginger (Min) 192
Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers
(Yamanaka) 314–315, 328, 329
Williams, Kimber 105
“Wilshire Bus” (Yamamoto) 266
Wilson, Florence 60, 272
Wind Cries Mary, The (Gotanda)
Window Tree, The (Kuo) 156
Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson) 338
Winged Seed, The: A Remembrance
(Lee) 166
With Darkness Behind Us, Daylight
Has Come (Narita) 211
“Without Tongue” (Mirikitani)
Wolfe, Thomas 67–68, 145
Woman in the Woods (Kogawa)
Woman of Thirty, A (Chang)
Woman Warrior, The (Kingston)
vii, 44, 45, 78, 80, 152–153, 171,
188, 255, 315–316
“Woman Who Makes Swell
Doughnuts, The” (Mori) 338–
Women of Silk (Tsukiyama) 291
Wonderland (Yew) 337
Wong, B. D. 185, 186
Wong, Elizabeth 317
Wong, Jade Snow vii, viii, 146,
Wong, Nanying Stella 318–320
Wong, Nellie 320–321, 323, 327
Wong, Rita 321–322
Wong, Sau-Ling Cynthia v–vi, viii
Wong, Shawn v, 35, 41, 124, 200,
American Knees 16, 322
Homebase 108–109, 322
Wong, Sunn Shelley 323
Woo, John 98
Woo, Merle 320, 321, 323–324
Wooden Fish Songs (McCunn)
188, 324

Index 383
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