
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

swelling numbers of Jewish arrivals. By the end of
World War II, an exhausted Britain turned the ques-
tion of Palestine over to the newly created United
Nations. On May 14, 1948, Israel was created, and
Zionist aspirations were realized.
In the following years after the creation of the Jew-
ish state, Zionism’s emphasis on creation was trans-
formed to one of maintenance. Israeli practices of
encouraging Jewish immigration while refusing Pales-
tinian Arab civil rights and liberties led the United
Nations in 1975 to declare in Resolution 3379 that

Zionism, like South African apartheid, was racist.
Modern Zionists have since shifted their efforts toward
the realization of Greater Israel. Such a minority opin-
ion among increasingly secular, democratic Israelis
runs counter to the current Arab-Israeli peace process.
Indeed, as a result of progress between Palestinians
and Israelis, in 1991, the United Nations repealed Res-
olution 3379.

Further Reading
Herzl, Theodore. The Jewish State.New York: Herzel Press,

316 Zionism

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