
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

1588 Thomas Hobbes born.

1598 James I’s Trew Law of Free Monarchies.
Claims sovereignty by divine right.

1600 Richard Hooker dies.

1601 First Christian missionaries (Jesuits)
arrive in Peking (modern Beijing).

1605 Sir Francis Bacon publishes The
Advancement of Learning.

1611 James Harrington born.

1612 Francisco Suarez writes A Treatise on
the Laws and God the Lawgiver.

1620 Puritan American settlers sign the
Mayflower Compact.

1625 Grotius’ De Jure Belli ac Pacis pub-

1627 Sir Francis Bacon’s The New Atlantisis

1628 English Parliament draws up Petition of
Rights requesting limits on monarch’s
John Locke born.
Spinoza born.
Pufendorf born.

1641 First law against cruelty to animals is
passed by Christian Puritans in Massa-
chusetts, North America.

1644 John Milton publishes Aeropagitica.

1645 Grotius dies.

1651 Thomas Hobbes publishes Leviathan.

1649 King Charles of England beheaded;
England becomes republic.

1653 Oliver Cromwell established as Lord
Protector of the Commonwealth.

1656 James Harrington publishes The Com-
monwealth of Oceana.

1658 Oliver Cromwell dies; his son Richard
Cromwell established as Lord Protector
of Commonwealth.

1660 Charles II restored to the English

1666 John Bunyan publishes his autobiogra-
phy Grace Abounding to the Chief of All
1667 John Milton publishes Paradise Lost.
1673 Pufendorf’s On the Duty of Man and Cit-
1675 Spinoza publishes the Ethics.
1677 James Harrington dies.
1679 Hobbes dies.
1680 Sir Robert Filmer publishes The Patriar-
1681 William Penn founds Pennsylvania.
1688 James II of England deposed in Glorius
1689 English Bill of Rights gives political
power to Parliament.
John Locke publishes Two Treatises of
1690 Locke publishes Essay Concerning
Human Understanding.
1694 Voltaire born.
Pufendorf dies.
1704 John Locke dies.
1705 Pierre Bayle completes the Dictionnaire
historique et critique (Historical and
Critical Dictionary).
1706 Benjamin Franklin born.
1711 David Hume born.
1712 Jean-Jacques Rousseau born.
1714 Bernard Mandeville publishes Private
Vices, Public Benefits.
1723 Adam Smith born.
1724 Immanuel Kant born.
1729 Edmund Burke born.
1733 Voltaire publishes Letters Concerning
the English Nation.
1737 Thomas Paine born.
1740 Hume publishes Treatise of Human

Chronology 321
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