
(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
King Louis XVI is guillotined; Reign of
Terror begins in France.
Robespierre gains power.
William Godwin’s Enquiry Concerning
Political Justicepublished.

1794 Paine publishes The Age of Reason, Part
I, written in prison.
Condorcet writes the Sketch for a His-
torical Picture of the Progress of the
Human Mind.
France abolishes slavery in its colonies.
Robespierre executed.

1795 Paine publishes Dissertation of the First
Principles of Governmentin Paris.
Schiller publishes the Letters on the Aes-
thetic Education of Man.

1796 Burke publishes Letters on a Regicide
Paine publishes Age of Reason, Part II.

1797 Burke dies.

1799 End of French Revolution.

1803 Thomas Malthus publishes An Essay on
the Principle of Population.

1804 Kant dies.

1806 John Stuart Mill born.

1807 Hegel publishes Phenomenology of

1808 Charles Fourier publishes The Social
Destiny of Man; or, Theory of the Four

1812 Hegel publishes Science of Logic.

1816 American Colonization Society

1817 Hegel publishes Encyclopedia of the
Social Sciences.
David Ricardo’s Principles of Political
Economy and Taxationpublished.

1818 Marx born.

1819 de Maistre’s Du Pape(The Pope) is pub-

1820 James Mill publishes “Essay on Govern-
1821 Hegel publishes Philosophy of the Right.
1825 Robert Owen establishes utopian com-
munity in the U.S.
1830 French choose Louis-Phillippe to rule
as “citizen-king” following the July
Samuel Taylor Coleridge publishes The
Constitution of Church and State.
1831 Hegel dies.
1832 Jeremy Bentham dies.
1833 Great Britain abolishes slavery.
1837 Carlyle publishes History of the French
1840 Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s What is Prop-
erty?is published.
1844 Engels publishes Conditions of the
Working Class in England.
Nietzsche born.
1845 Margaret Fuller publishes Women in the
Nineteenth Century.
The term “Manifest Destiny” first
appears in U.S. publications.
1846 Marx publishes The German Ideology.
1848 Revolutions sweep Europe.
Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto
first published in England.
J. S. Mill publishes Principles of Political
Henry Davis Thoreau publishes essay
“Civil Disobedience.”
1851 Auguste Comte publishes Systeme de
Politique Positive (System of Positive
1854 Wilhelm von Humboldt’s The Sphere
and Duties of Governmentpublished.
1856 De Tocqueville publishes L’ Ancien
Freud born.

Chronology 323
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